Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Address: Kirov, Lenin's street, 166-a

№1 (16) - 2010


Sysuev V., Rubtsova N.  Results of scientific and industrial activity of institutions of North-East Regional Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2009


Batalova G. Perspective directions of development of breeding of agricultural plants
Lisitsyn E., Kedrova L., Utkina E., Zlobina N.  Reaction of pigment apparatus of winter rye leaves on edaphic stress
Shchennikova I., Lisitsyn E., Kokina L. Alteration of pigment complex of barley flag leaves under edaphic stress
Korjakovtseva L.A., Kharina A.V., Volkova L.V. Adaptive potential of varieties and perspective lines summer mild wheat on productivity and quality of a grain
Figurin V., Utkina E., Suntsova N., Ljalina N. Specification of optimum sowing time of winter rye Falenskaya 4


Zav’jalova N.  Studying of molecular structure of humic acids of sod-podzol soil a method of infra-red spectroscopy
Piskunova H., Fiodorova A., Verbitskaya O.  The technologies to guarantee the stable harvest and high bakery quality of food grain under Kostroma region condition


Agalakova T., Netecha V. Influence of postlibidens uterine bleedings on breeding of cows
Faizullin R., Saifutdinov M. The methods of pure  breeding for the Tuklin pig breed improvement


Yashin I., Eremin S. Physiological substantiation of use of tissue preparation for correction of resistance indices of cows
Alexandrov Y. The dynamics of biochemical blood indices of cons nith different level of milk productivity
Sisyagina E., Redshepova G., Ubitina I., Yuldashov Yu. Usage of new methods of therapeutic protection from respiratory diseases in calves
Ivanovsky A., Timkina E., Beloribkin V., Kulakov V. Employment BCL of increase preservation sucking-pig


Burkov A., Simonov M.  Research of working process the machine for extraction of clover seeds K-0,3 at threshing the seeds of ryegrass


 Krjuchkova L. Directions of State regulation of the food market



Results of scientific and industrial activity of institutions of North-East Regional Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2009
Sysuev V., Rubtsova N.
Results of activity of institutions of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences belong to North-East Regional Scientific Center on scientific supply of agro-industrial complex of a region in 2009 were shown in article.
Key words: region, scientific center, institutions of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, completed projects, popularization and application

Perspective directions of development of breeding of agricultural plants
Batalova G.
The basic directions and methods of breeding allowing to increase and to stabilize productivity of agricultural plants, their adaptive potential against environmental conditions that ensuring competitiveness and claiming of modern varieties were submitted.
Key words: breeding, plants, methods, basic directions, photosynthesis, heterosis, edaphic, hybridization, selection, attribute, transgenosis, productivity, stability, illnesses, quality

Reaction of pigment apparatus of winter rye leaves on edaphic stress
Lisitsyn E., Kedrova L., Utkina E., Zlobina N.
During 2008-2009 field studies it was investigated influence of edaphic stress on photosynthetic apparatus of 11 varieties of winter rye. It was shown that soil aluminum had statistically significant influence on content of green and yellow pigments, their ratio, and its portion in light-harvesting complex of leaves. There was not uniformity in reaction of pigment apparatus of different varieties on edaphic stress.
Key words: winter rye, edaphic stress, aluminum, chlorophyll, carotenoids, light-harvesting complex

Alteration of pigment complex of barley flag leaves under edaphic stress
Shchennikova I., Lisitsyn E., Kokina L.
It was shown that soil stressors had statistically significant influence on structure and functioning of photosynthetic apparatus of barley flag leaves. Direction and degree of its modification is determined mainly by plant genotype. It was shown that there are at least three different strategies of adaptation of pigment complex of barley leaves on stress condition of plant root growth.
Key words: barley, edaphic stress, chlorophyll, carotenoids

Adaptive potential of varieties and perspective lines summer mild wheat on productivity and quality of a grain.
Korjakovtseva L., Kharina A., Volkova L.
The plasticity and stability of three varieties and six perspective lines summer wheat on productivity and some figure of merits of a grain is demonstrated.
Key words: wheat, growing season, kind (variety), lines, productivity, quality, plasticity, stability, stability (immunity)

Specification of optimum sowing time of winter rye Falenskaya 4
Figurin V., Utkina E., Suntsova N., Ljalina N.
One of determinatives of safe wintering of winter cultures, and, hence, receptions of stable grain yield is the choice of optimum sowing time. Such researches are especially urgent in modern conditions of global climate warming. The results of scientific researches on definition of optimum sowing time of winter rye are stated in the article.
Key words: winter rye, sowing time, productivity

Studying of molecular structure of humic acids of sod-podzol soil a method of infra-red spectroscopy
Zav’jalova N.
There was studied the influence of the protracted application of fertilizers on the molecular structure of humic acids of sod-podzol soil. When using organic and organic-mineral systems of soil fertilizer the process of humic acids transformation progresses in the direction of strengthening of their aliphatic nature in the presence of high content of aromatic components.
Key words: sod-podzol soil, humic acids, structure of molecule, infrared spectroscopy

The technologies to guarantee the stable harvest and high bakery quality of food grain under Kostroma region condition
Piskunova H., Fiodorova A., Verbitskaya O.
It has been made  an attempt to show a vary harvest and quality of food winter wheats from  application difference mineral fertilizations and direct from different predecessor rotation crops.
Key words: a productivity of winter wheats, a bakery quality of grain, predecessor station crops, dose of fertilization

Influence of postlibidens uterine bleedings on breeding of cows
Agalakova T., Netecha V.
Results of researches of reasons, preventive maintenance and treatment of uterine blood allocations (metrorrhagia), occurring on 2…3 day after nsemination.
Key words: dairy breeding, reproduction, metrorrhagium, preventive maintenance, treatment

The methods of pure breeding for the Tuklin pig breed improvement
Faizullin R., Saifutdinov M.
This article highlights the investigation results on the perfection of the Tuklin pig breed. The boars have been examined for his- self production traits and their progeny efficiency. There are some analysis for effective selection of male-dad’s lines.
Key words: lines, ratement, fenotype, genotype, selection

Physiological substantiation of use of tissue preparation for correction of resistance indices of cows
Yashin I., Eremin S.
The influence of tissue preparation based on chicken embryo on resistance of cows in dry and postpartum periods has been evaluated.
Key words: resistance, immunobiochemistric indices, cows in dry and postpartum periods, tissue preparation

The dynamics of biochemical blood indices of cons nith different level of milk productivity
Alexandrov Y.
The investigation materials of biochemical blood indices of cows nith different level of milk productivity during pasturable and stalled periods are shown in this article. The cons nigh high productivity experience fodder stress caused ty breach of separate nutritious substance ratio.
Key words: the of nigh productivity cows, blood biochemical indice, fodder stress

Usage of new methods of therapeutic protection from respiratory diseases in calves
Sisyagina E., Redshepova G., Ubitina I., Yuldashov Yu.
New methods of therapeutic protection from respiratory diseases in calves allows to enhance the efficacy of healing by 22,5-29,5% and the weight gain by 37% as well to decrease  the healing period.
Key words: respiratory diseases,  methods of therapeutic protection,  vaccine, immune serum of donor animals, fitastim

Employment BCL of increase preservation sucking-pig
Ivanovsky A., Timkina E., Beloribkin V., Kulakov V.
It Is Installed that BCL in dose 5,0 ml
(2,5 109 КОЕ/ ml), applicable on length 10 days sucking-pig. Safety sucking-pig completion 100%. Influencing BCL normalized indication blood sucking-pig: BA, LA and ALT.
Key words: probiotics, sucking-pig, pharmpreparation, blood, plants, biotechnology, immunology

Research of working process the machine for extraction of clover seeds K-0,3 at threshing the seeds of ryegrass
Burkov A., Simonov M.
In article is shown influence of the frequency of rotation of a rotor, supply of source material and backlashes between deck and beaters upon the qualitative characteristics of machine for extraction of clover seeds K-0,3 at threshing the seeds of ryegrass. Determined the mode of operation under which are provided required qualitative characteristics of machine.
Key words: the machine for extraction of clover seeds, the seeds of ryegrass

Directions of State regulation of the food market
Krjuchkova L.
Development of agrarian-industrial complex and further perfection of inter-economic and economic relations require intervention of the State with use of elements of financial-credit mechanism
Key words: food market, State regulation, agrarian-industrial complex, financial-credit mechanism