Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Influence of means of chemicalization on productivity and quality of grain of spring wheat

Almetov N.S., Goryachkin N.V., Nazmiev Kh.Z.


The research has shown that the productivity and quality of grain of spring wheat on sod light-podzolic medium loamy soils in the Republic of Mari El depends on the meteorological conditions of growth season and used agro-chemical means. The richest crops were obtained at the years characterized by optimal meteorological conditions. The significant increase of grain productivity was observed at input of nitric fertilizers in a dose of 60-90 kg per hectare on the background of Р60К60 and processing of crops with herbicide and fungicides.

Keywords: spring wheat, chemicalization means, fertilizers, herbicide, fungicide, protein, gluten