Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Effect of varieties and seeding rates on seed production of flax in the Sredneе Predyraljе

Korepanova E.V., Fatykhov I.I.


Under conditions of Sredneе Preduraljе seeding rates of seeds of category ЕS in technology of cultivation of flax Voshod and Sinichka for seeds are studied. Use of the rarefied seeding rates of 6 million piece/ha promoted increase of seed productivity of flax Voshod and Sinichka by 9-14%, of reproduction coefficient of seeds – by 1,8-2,0 times in comparison with similar indicators at the standard seeding rates of 10 million piece/ha.

Keywords: flax, seedling rate, variety, productivity, seeds, reproduction coefficient of seeds