Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

Phone (8332) 33-10-43
(8332) 33-07-21
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Address: Kirov, Lenin's street, 166-a

№ 4 (29) - 2012

Plant Growing

Batalova G.A., Rusakova I.I., Zhuravleva G.P., Tulyakova M.V., Permyakova S.V..
Adaptive properties of oats varieties bred in North-East Agricultural Research Institute
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Koryakovtseva L.A., Volkova L.V., Kharina A.V..
Sources from a world gene pool summer mild wheat in selection on productivity

Shmorgunov G.T., Puzanova I.E., Tulinov A.G..
The estimation of the perspective breeding numbers and varieties of the potato in the conditions of Komi Republic

Popova E.V.
The dynamics of blooming and fruit formation of bird's-foot trefoil in dependence on seeding rate and meteorology conditions

Aleksandrova L.N., Efeykin D.P..
Аnatomical constitution of the caulis of the hemp depending on the seeding rate

Agriculture, Agrochemistry, Amelioration

Polyakova N.V., Narchev M.A., Platonycheva Yu.N..
Change of biological parametres and components of organic matter of dark grey wood soil under influence of green manure crops

Vinogradova V.S., Luchnik N.A., Khitrova V.I..
The influence of the non-root cultivation of crops with humus fertilizers and urea on spring wheat's yield and its quality

Belyaeva R.A., Kozlova Yu.A..
Impact of macro- and micronutrient fertilizers on the productivity of the floodplain of the river Pechora

Prokina L.N..
Efficiency of macrо- and microfertilizers on a winter wheat


Andreev A.I., Chikunova V.I., Gur'yanov A.M..
Dairy cows blood parameters at using of different kinds of silage in diets

Kozlovskiy I.S., Kolesnikov V.V..
The method of trophy evaluation of Himalayan bear (Ursus thibetanus Cuvier) fells

Veterinary Medicine

Kopylov S.N..
The effect of emitsidin on lipid peroxidation in cows with myocardiodystrophy

Ivanovskiy A.A., Timkina E.Yu., Ogarkova I.S..
Influence of phytocomplex of leuzea, byo-infusine and bactocellolactine on nature resistance and biochemistry of blood of suckling-pig

Zotkin G.V., Kosorlukova Z.Ya., Yashin I.V., Leont'ev L.B..
Physiological basis of use of organic acids to optimize the reproductive function of cows


Burkov A.I., Glushkov A.L., Buldakov D.S..
Research of efficiency of functioning of pneumatic system of the machine of preliminary clearing of a grain MPZ-50
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Demshin S.L., Cheremisinov D.A..
Definition of optimum parametres of ploughshares of the unit for cultivation and sowing

Fedyuk V.V., Triandafilov A.F..
The determination of the optimal constructive-technological parameters of the perforation node at pre-planting treatment of potato by EG-turf


Ponomareva A.S..
Evaluation of the efficiency of the modernization of animal production in the peripheral rural districts Republic of Kom