Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Methodical problems of agro-ecological regionalization of agricultural territories on micro-level

Mukhamadjarov F.F., Korobitsyn S.L., Rubtsova N.E., Ashikhmin V.P., Saveliev Yu.P., Vologzhanin V.N., Kaisin D.V.


An article opens a series of publication on investigations of laboratory of agro-energy carried out at 2004…2013. According to working agenda the thematic of investigation was deal with elaboration of pathways of increase of resource- and energy-profitability of obtaining of food resources and forages. Among them the most effective one is agro-ecological regionalization of agricultural territories. High scientific interest has agro-ecological regionalization on micro-level of territories. Rational distribution of agricultural crops within agrochemical contour demands direct count of amount and quality of harvest of everyone species and varieties of plants in connection with parameters of environmental factors (temperature of soil and air, regime of humidity, ability of nutrients etc.). The data compose the basis for intra-economy system of land use. In the given article there are peculiarities of methodical approach of regionalization of territories on micro-level, main direction of researches, methods and devices used for the researches.

Keywords: аgro-ecological regionalization, agro-ecological equal territories, precession-adaptive plant growing, adaptive reactions, species and varieties of agricultural crops, limiting factors of environment, agro-energy effectiveness