Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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The use of biogenic iodine compounds in the egg poultry farming

Pages: 48-51.

Sozinov V.A., Ermolina С.A.


Influence of a preparation of "Algasol" on productive qualities of hens-layers is investigated. The industrial investigation is spent on two groups of birds-analogues at the age of 420-450 days: 1 - control, 2 - experimental. Each group consisted of 37369 birds of cross "ISA-brown" of an egg direction. Conditions of the maintenance, feeding and leaving of both groups of a bird were identical. In addition experimental group received a test preparation in a dose of 0.3 ml on a head once a day in dilution to concentration of 1.6 % through dozator in drinking system within 1 month. The control group did not receive a preparation. Application of "Algasol" preparation in a diet of hens-layers has positively affected their safety during experiment (on 0.76 % above the control). Increase of quantity of the received eggs - in 1.85 times, egg production and safeties of eggs on 17.24 and 6.04 % accordingly in comparison with control group is noted in experimental group. Besides, in experimental group indicators of eggs quality have raised. Highest category eggs is received more on 2791 pieces, perfect category - on 21496 pieces, of first category - on 69036 pieces. The gain from sale of eggs is received in 1.98 times more in experimental than in the control group. Expenses of forage for 1 head a day in control group were on 11.8 г more than in experimental one.
Use of biogenic compounds of iodine has allowed to achieve high degree of mastering of the given microelement by organism of a bird that has positively affected all metabolic processes, and, hence, promoted reception of poultry-farming quality production.

Keywords: "Algasol", hens-layers, biogenic iodine compounds