Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

Phone (8332) 33-10-43
(8332) 33-07-21
Fax: (8332) 33-10-25
Address: Kirov, Lenin's street, 166-a

№ 6 (43) - 2014

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Review Articles

Sysuev V.A., Kedrova L.I., Utkina E.I..
Priority directions of researches in decision of a problem of multipurpose use of winter rye (pp. 4-8)

Plant Growing

Koryakovtseva L.A., Volkova L.V..
Ground of parameters of model of a high-yield variety of spring soft wheat for conditions of Non-Chernozem zone of Russia (pp. 13-18)

Ryabova O.V..
Endophytic actinobacteria genus Cellulomonas in an artificially created association with potato meristem (pp. 18-24)

Agriculture, Agrochemistry, Amelioration

Kovalev N.G..
Main directions of agricultural use adaptive intensification of drained lands in Humid area Russian (pp. 25-32)

Vladykina N.I..
The activity of cellulolitic microorganisms in sod-podzolic soil in crop rotation (pp. 32-37)

Zamyatin S.A., Apaeva N.N..
The biological activity and toxicity of soil, the defeat of grain crops by root rot in different crop rotations (pp. 37-44)
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Makaryushchenko V.V..
Regional features of hunting tourism in Russia (pp. 50-57)

Zabiiakin V.A., Zabiiakina T.V., Kropotova A.L..
The meat quality of guinea fowl (Numida meleagris L., 1766) and its variation under refrigeration storage (pp. 58-62)
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Rusakov R.V..
The efficiency of feeding the bulls-producers with complex of biologically active substances having antioxidant properties (pp. 63-67)

Veterinary Medicine

Blednikh L.V..
Use of UV-spectrophotometry for the quantitative determination of furazolidone in uterine contents of cows (pp. 45-49)


Nikonov A.G..
Features and conditions of the development of social infrastructure in rural areas (pp. 68-73)

Romanov A.A..
Improvement of management of investment activity of the enterprises at reproduction of fixed assets (pp. 74-80)