Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Adaptive potential of spring soft wheat varieties resistant to dusty smut

Pages: 28-31.

Kharina A.V., PhD in agriculture

North-east Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


Evaluation of spring soft wheat varieties on resistance to defeat with dusty smut and adaptive potential is presented in the article. Near resistant and immune varieties of spring soft wheat (Omskaya 23, Omskaya 37, Tarskaya 10 (Russia), Rick (USA), Hoffman, CDC Merlin, AC Carine and AC Taho(Canada)) are selected which can be included in breeding process as sources of immunity to deseases. As a result of researches it is established that at increasing of defeat of plants of spring wheat with dusty smut the losses of yield increased significantly too (r = 0.93) on the average on 28%. The considerable variability (V= 67.6%) of defeat with dusty smut on years testifies to dependence it from climatic conditions of year: air temperature (r = -0.68) and amount of precipitation (r = 0.70) in a period from flowering till beginning of grain loading. The variety СDС Merlin is referred as extensive type for which one рarameter of plasticity(bi) are significantly lower than one. Variety Omskaya 37 and AC Carine hardly respond to change of an index of environment (bi >1). Varieties of spring soft wheat Vyatchanka, Rick and Hoffman had the highest and stable productivity on years (parameter of a level of stability of a variety (РLSV) = 715.5, 657.5, and 926.2 accordingly). Varieties СDС Merlin, Tarskaya 10, and Rick selected as a result of investigation are not only resistant against dusty smut but also surpass a standard variety Bazhenka on capacity to counter stresses and to save high yield in changed environments (Hom = 21.7, 7.3, and 5.4 accordingly) that is differ by high homeostasis. These varieties may be utilised in breeding for high and stable productivity and immunity to dusty smut.

Keywords: spring wheat, dusty smut, variety, temperature, precipitations, losses of yield, correlation, plasticity, stability


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