Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Influence of a fallow type on change of agrochemical parameters of soil fertility and productivity of crop rotation in the long experience

Pages: 62-67.

Vladykina N.I., PhD in agriculture, leading researcher

Udmurt State Agricultural Research Institute. Pervomajsky, Udmurtia, Russia


Researches were conducted under the conditions of the Udmurt Republic in the third rotation (2004-2012) of biologizing crop rotation with two fields of clover at 67% saturation with cereal crops. Types of fallow (pure fallow without organic, pure fallow with the introduction of manure 90 t/ha, seeded vetch-oats fallow) and mineral fertilizers (without fertilizer, fertilizer in dose N180R120K120 for crop rotation) have been studied. It was revealed that the agrochemical parameters of the arable layer of sod-podzolic medium-washed soil formed on the cover red-brown loams vary depending on the type of fallow. Seeded fallow contributed to more active acidification of the soil. Input of manure in the pure fallow supported stably the optimum acidity of sod-podzolic soil during the crop rotation, provided significant improvement of physic-chemical properties of the soil (pHKCl = 5.42, hydrolytic acidity = 2.44 and S = 11.2 mg / 100 g) and positive balance of all nutrients. In the seeded fallow in the variant with mineral fertilizers a deficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and especially potassium was revealed; physic-chemical state of the soil has deteriorated (pHKCl = 5.07, hydrolytic acidity = 2.67 and S = 8.7 mmol / 100 g). Joint application of manure, mineral fertilizers and straw of all cereals (an average of 27 t/ha) with an additional nitrogen for its decomposition ensured productivity of crop rotation with pure fallow at level 3.30 tons of grain units/ha. In the seeded fallow (joint application of straw and mineral fertilizers) productivity was significantly lower - 3.02 tons of grain units /ha at LSD05 0.14. Introduction to the rotation of clover with two years of use guaranteed a reduction of soil acidity in these years. The high correlation between the agrochemical properties of soil and productivity of  crop rotation (r = from 0.69 to 0.98) was fixed.

Keywords: crop rotation, fallow (pure, seeded), manure, mineral fertilizers, agrochemical parameters, balance, productivity, dependence


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