Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Influence of some agro-methods on productivity and seed quality of potato in Kirov region

Pages: 19-23.

Bashlakova O.N., post-graduate student,
Budina E.A., PhD, head of laboratory

North-East Agricultural Research Institute


Influence of chemical and biological preparations, terms of removal of plant tops on growth, development, phytosanitory condition, productivity, and quality of seeds of middle-early potato Gloria was studied in 2012-2014 under conditions of Kirov region. Insect-and-fungicide preparation Prestige КС was used for presowing processing of tubers and biological fungicide Planriz Zh - for processing of seeds and plants. Two terms of removal of plant tops were studied: early (third decade of July) and late (second decade of August). As a result of researches it is established that presowing processing of tubers has made positive impact on productivity of potato. Greatest yield (33.9 t/ha) is received in a variant with processing of tubers with insect-and-fungicide preparation Prestige at late term of removing of plant tops on the average for years of researches. At early term of removal of plant tops the greatest yield was at processing with tank mix of preparations Prestige and Planriz in a combination with spraying of plants by Planriz (27.0 t/ha). At early term of removal of plant tops the exit of seed fraction increased and has made 220-279 thousand piece / ha in different variants of experiment. At late term of removal of plant tops exit of standard seed fraction was considerably lower (165-194 thousand piece / ha). The tuber analysis after medical period and filling of tubers on storage has revealed considerable phytosanitary influence of processing of potato seed material with the preparations. Results have shown that the greatest quantity of tubers defeated with different scabs is noted in a variant without application of preparations; absence of silver scab in all studied variants and common scab is noted at early removal of plant tops. The highest contamination by virus diseases (5.3-6.6 %) is noted in variants without application of preparations and at removal of plant tops in second decade of August (1.2-5.2 %). It is not revealed the tubers defeated with heavy forms of viruses.

Keywords: potato, variety, super-super-elite, productivity, preparations, diseases resistance, harvest term


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