Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Perspective varieties of red clover having high forage quality for conditions of north-east of European part of Russia

Pages: 24-28.

Onuchina O.L., PhD in agriculture, head of laboratory,
Korneva I.A., assistant researcher

Falenki Plant-Breeding Station, Falenki, Kirov region, Russia


Results of study of new varieties of red clover at nursery of competition varietal test (2013-2014) on complex of economic-valuable traits are presented. All varieties had high winter hardiness. Ten early varieties were selected which are flowered 1…19 day earlier than standard. Having more leaved stems at first cut these varieties differed by high quality of fodder mass: high content of crude protein in dry mass (15.97…17.41%) and low content of cellulose (21.08…22.52%). High yield of dry matter (average 9.2 t/ha, under favorable conditions – up to 11.9…12.1 t/ha) is obtained in varieties GPF-54-1 and GPF-36-2, which is 1.8…2.0 t/ha higher than in standard for second year of use, and 1.0 t/ha higher in average for cycle of competition varietal test. High content of crude protein in combination with higher productivity supply these varieties with significant advantages upon standard on total yield of crude protein (by 0.17…0.20 t/ha average for two years that is 15.0…17.7%). Dynamics of accumulation of crude protein during growth season is determined. Varieties P-8, P-9, P-10, and GPF-54-1 are characterized by uniform accumulation on different cuts (50.4…58.6% for first cut, 41.4-49.6% for second cut). Ratio of first cut in total protein yield consists 63.9…71.7% for varieties GPF-36-2, P-1/09, SGP-188, and standard Dymkovsky. Varieties GPF-54-1, GPF-36-2, and P-1/09 have seed yield at a level of standard. Varieties GPF-36-2 and P-10 have high resistance to root rots. Four perspective varieties – GPF-54-1, GPF-36-2, P-10, and P-1/09 – are selected by a complex of economic valuable traits (winter hardiness, high yield of fodder mass and seeds, high content of leaves, high protein yield per hectare and resistance to root rot).

Keywords: red clover, variety, breeding, winter hardiness, early maturing, dry matter, crude protein, root rot, seed productivity


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