Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Results of the study of winter wheat collection material on productivity and quality

Pages: 4-8.

Romanyukina I.V., senior researcher,
Marchenko D.M., PhD in agriculture, head of department,
Grichanikova T.A., leading researcher,
Rybas' I.A., researcher,
Ignat'eva N.G., head of the laboratory

All-Russian Research Institute of Grain Crops after I.G. Kalinenko, Zernograd, Rostov region, Russia


The article gives the results of tree year study of winter wheat collection material of various ecologic-territorial origins under the conditions of the Rostov region. We analyzed 230 samples of wheat on productivity, protein and gluten content in grain and SDS-sedimentation. The samples Odesskaya 265, №64 MV 09-04, and ЕCVD 14/SERI have been selected as the sources of productivity. During the years of study protein content in grain varied from 12.02 to 14.82% in average. The samples 401/05, SERI, PYN/BAV, №76, №73, Esaul, Pannonikus, №64 MV 09-04, №70, ЕCVD 14/SERI, Paralus 4930 S 14, Muck (k-64025), and Everest have been selected according to this trait. Gluten content in grain varied from 15.9 to 30,6% in average. The samples 401/05, SERI, ЕCVD 14/SERI, №64 MV 09-04, №76, PYN/BAV, Flame, Paralus 4930 S 14, 1744/04, Zlatka, 143/05, INTENSIVNAYA, 1083/02, 517/05, №70, Pannonikus, Esaul, Stamena, к-59738, к-64098, 631/05, and 180/07 formed stable gluten content in grain (more than 25%) during all years of the study. Comparative study of SDS-sedimentation showed its substantial variation from 36 to 61 ml. Twenty five samples, including Kiriya, Kokhana, Smena, Kosovitsya, Єднiсть, №70, №76, ЕCVD 14 SERI, Paralus 4930 S 14, 401/05, 143/05, 1744/04, 180/07, and Prestizh, showed high levels of SDS- sedimentation (more than 50 ml) during the years of study. The samples №70, №76, ЕCVD 14/SERI, Paralus 4930 S 14, 401/05, 143/05, and 1744/04 have been selected according to three indicators of quality (protein and gluten content in grain, SDS-sedimentation). The results of the study can be used in selection of initial material for new varieties breeding with hybridization.

Keywords: sample, soft winter wheat, productivity, protein, gluten, SDS-sedimentation


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