Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Results of testing of a soil-cultivating tool with replaceable working bodies for tractors of a thrust class 3.0

Pages: 71-77.

Demshin S.L., PhD in technical sciences, the head of laboratory,
Cheremisinov D.A., PhD in technical sciences, researcher,
Vladimirov E.A., PhD in technical sciences, the head of laboratory

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


Alternationof moldboard and non-moldboard soil cultivations is expedient for northeast of the European part of Russia. "Plough-blade cultivator" PPN-3-35/2-70 for tractors of the traction class 1.4 is created for execution of the given processes with one tool; tests had displayed its high performance. As a development of a given type of agricultural machines it is developed the tool for tractors of a traction class 3.0 - "plough-blade cultivator" PPN-4-35/3-70. Depending on a type of soil cultivations the tool is completed with following replaceable working bodies: four plough bodies for ploughing; three flat hoes and two disk sections - for non-moldboard soil cultivation. For an estimation of efficiency of use of a pre-production model of the soil-cultivating tool tests are conducted in which agrotechnical and power indexes of its operation have been defined. Tests are spent on the sod-podzolic middle loamy soil in the conditions of occupied fallow and an eddish of grain crops. The agrotechnical estimation has displayed that at ploughing of occupied fallow and an eddish of grain crops the tool with plough bodies steadily ensures a working tillage width and adjusting plowing depth at degree of size of reduction soil accordingly 65 and 39 %. At non-moldboard soil cultivation in similar conditions the tool also steadily ensures agrotechnical requirements, thus degree of size of reduction soil is accordingly equal to 72 and 53 %.The power estimation has determined that at non-moldboard soil cultivation capacity of the "plough-blade cultivator" PPN-4-35/3-70 during the basic operation is 1.49…1.55 ha/h at a fuel rate 17.2…18.9 kg/ha; at ploughing capacity is equal to 0.92 ha/h at a fuel rate of 29.6 kg/ha. Tests have displayed that the pre-production model of the tool for the basic soil cultivation with replaceable working bodies steadily with observance of agrotechnical requirements executes a technological process of ploughing and non-moldboard soil cultivation with disking its surface layer, withstands a working tillage width and adjusting plowing depth.

Keywords: soil, ploughing, non-moldboard soil cultivation, disking, soil-cultivating tool, replaceable working bodies, plough body, flat hoe, disk sections, indicators of quality


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