Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Soil-agrochemical basis of adaptive-landscape farming systems In Vyatka-Kama agricultural province (VKAP)

Pages: 62-69.

Yulushev I.G., DSc in agriculture,
Baramzina O.V., Ovechkin P.G., post-graduates,
Mitin V.V., PhD in agriculture*,
Sofronov E.A., PhD in agriculture**

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, Kirov, Russia, * "Factory for production of premix "EcoMax" Ltd, Kirov, Russia, ** Department of agriculture and foodstuff of Kirov Region, Kirov, Russia


Processing of analytical data file (366 soil profiles) showed existence of statistically significant distinctions in composition and features of genetic horizons of soil profile on the basis of which the following concept of agrogroup of sod-podzolic soils of arable lands is offered. First agrogroup. рНsalt,value in a subhumus horizons of a soil profile is displaced towards an acid interval. The content of mobile aluminum in Ap is higher than 4.0 mg / 100 of soil with increase in the subarable horizons. On this soil positive effect of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers is shown only at potassium and lime backgrounds. Lime effect is extended to all crops of a field crop rotation. Second agrogroup. Reaction of the madia on all profile remains at the level of an arable layer or is displaced towards an acid interval; the content of mobile aluminum in Ap is lower than 4.0 mg / 100g of soil (in subhumus horizons it can be higher). Effect of fertilizers is confirmed by classical representations (lime increases only legumes efficiency). Third agrogroup. рНsalt with depth is displaced towards an alkaline interval; mobile aluminum is absent in soil profile. On these soils the addition of yield of field crops is provided generally by nitrogen. Because of low phosphorous contents in Ap fertilizers don't provide a reliable addition of yield. Despite acid character of an arable layer positive effect of lime isn't looked through even on efficiency of legume crop – a clover.

Keywords: agrogroup, arable lands, reaction, mobile aluminum, NPK of fertilizer, lime, effect


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