Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Models of spring barley's varieties for conditions of Volga-Vyatka regio

Pages: 9-14.

Shchennikova I.N., PhD, assistant professor, head of laboratory

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


Substantiation of the created models of spring barley's varieties for Volga-Vyatka region is presented in the article based on the extensive, statistically processed material of collection nursery and competitive variety testing of North-East Agricultural Research Institute during 2003-2013. Material studying has shown variability on a number of morphological and biological features of crop both within varieties and between their groups. Significant correlation dependence of productivity on number of central roots (r = 0.47) on a plant is established. Optimum number of central roots for double-row varieties made 20…22 pieces, of multi-row varieties – 26…28 pieces. Results of the State Test and the data of the author define optimum height of a stalk equal to 62…78 cm. New varieties at productivity of 5.0…6.0 t/ha must keep ratio of grain to straw 1.0:1.0 or 1.1:1.0 depending on conditions of year. The density of plants on area unit should not exceed 350…400 pieces per 1 m2 at harvest time. Varieties of multi-row barley at productivity of 5.98±0.66 t/ha formed on the average 35±2 grains in the main ear and weight of 1000 grains 36.0±0.9 g at optimum seeding rate of 5.0 million germinated grains per hectare. Such ratio of studied parameters in relative expression 1:1 is optimum. At double-row varieties at similar seeding rates productivity made 5.83±0.57 t/ha, number of grains per ear 20.6±0.5 piece, and 1000 grains weight 47.4±0.7 g. Ratio of grains number to 1000 grains weight at double-row grades made 1.0:2.3. It is expedient to keep about such ratio in newly created varieties. On the basis of the spent analysis models of double-row and multi-row barley's varieties of various directions of grain use are developed.

Keywords: estimation, root system, growth season, kind of bush, lodging resistance, productivity


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