Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Response of spring barley variety ‘Leon’ on the growth regulators used together with the seed disinfectants

Pages: 20-23.

Firsova T.I., PhD in agriculture, head of the laboratory,
Filenko G.A., PhD in agriculture, senior researcher,
Dontsova A.A., PhD in agriculture, head of the laboratory

All-Russian Research Institute of Grain Crops named after I.G. Kalinenko, Zernograd, Rostov region, Russia


The modern technologies of barley growing include grain disinfection as the primary agro method, as sowing quality of seeds greatly influences on the formation of high and stable yields. The article considers the effect of tank mixtures of the disinfectant ‘Vintsit Forte’ with the growth stimulators ‘Fertingrein Start’ and ‘Melafen’ on the elements of structure and productivity of the spring barley variety ‘Leon’. The use of tank mixture of the fungicide ‘Vintsit Forte’ with these growth stimulators has a positive effect on such elements of yield structure as productive tillering and productive plant stand (density) that greatly increases the crop productivity. The tank mixture of the disinfectant ‘Vintsit Forte’ with the growth stimulators ‘Fertingrein Start’ and ‘Melafen’ gave the largest increase of spring barley productivity due to the strengthening of the processes of growth and formation. The use of ‘Fertingrein Start’ and ‘Melafen’ increased the productivity of the crop on 1.4 t/ha (42.4%) and 1.1 t/ha (33.4%) respectively. The seeds disinfected with the mixture ‘Vintsit Forte’+‘Fertingrein Start’ showed the greatest indexes of all qualitative traits (length of head, number of grains per spikelet, weight of head, number of spikelets per head). The economic efficiency of presowing treatment of seeds has been studied as well. The seed treatment with the tank mixture of the growth stimulators ‘Fertingrein Start’ (88.9%) and ‘Melafen’ (76.9%) provided the highest profitability of spring barley production. The results of the study can be recommended to the farmers growing spring barley in the Rostov region.

Keywords: spring barley, productivity, yield structure, treatment of seeds, 1000-grain weight, growth stimulators, disinfectants


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