Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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About need to improve game resource management

Pages: 51-56.

Safonov V.G., DSc in biology, corresponding member of RAS,
Glushkov V.M., DSc in biology, associate professor

Professor Zhitkov Federal State Budgetary Russian Research Institute of Game Management and Fur Farming, Kirov, Russia


Deficiencies and ways of improving of resource potential management of game animals in Russia are considered on example of moose and roe deer. Intensity of moose extraction is unprecedented low: 0.028 individuals/1000 hectares of forest that is 122 times less than in the Scandinavian countries. The value of increase of livestock till winter is for moose 21.6 %, for roe deer 30.0%. Winter mortality for moose is 4.1, roe deer 4.5 of quotas, or 17.8 and 27.2%, respectively. The annual growth rate of moose is 1.31%; of roe deer – 2.82%.  The small difference between the values of growth and mortality (moose 3.8% of the Nwra; roe deer 2.8% of Nwra) is the reason for the low growth rate of population, population density, intensity of extraction according to permissions. One must change the order of conducting of accounting by differentiating on the methods, terms and techniques. The rules of quota selection and control of production, distribution of permissions, organization and technology of hunting must be reviewed. Conception on resource management of game animals must be communal designed and adopted in State level; it must be form as a state-funded program with permanent institutions and algorithms of implementation. The transition to integrated environmental management in our country will require not only ecological studies, but legal foundations of land use focused on the complexity. Feasible and urgently needed goal for the nearest future is the improvement of the monitoring system and the quota system as well as the eradication of poaching not only by enhancing the control and repressive measures, but also by improving management of resource potential.

Keywords: growth till winter, sustainable use, quotas, poaching, management of populations


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