Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Quality of winter rye grain from shoots of different formation order

Pages: 22-26.

Ismagilov R.R., corresponding member of Academy of Science of Bashkortostan Republic, DSc in agriculture,
Nekhoroshikh M.S., post-graduate,
Akhijarova L.M., PhD in agriculture, senior researcher

Bashkir Sate agrarian university, Ufa, Russia


The article presents the results of research of kinematic viscosity, falling number, protein content, starch and phosphorus in the grain of winter rye shoots of a different order of formation. The coefficient of variation of the parameters of grain quality within a single plant depending on the manner of formation of shoot was only 2.91-36.60%. A reduction in grain mass from 38.2 to 11.2 mg, the falling number from 201 (main shoot) to 130 (VI shoot) was established with increasing of formation order of shoot. The contents of water-soluble pentosans varied from 4.133% (main shoot) to 4.590% (shoot of VI order of formation), the viscosity of an aqueous extract on the shoots by formation order within the plant was changed from of 54.8 to 107.5 cCt (coefficient of variation – 26.81%). Protein content in grain had relatively less variations in the shoots of different order of formation within the plants (coefficient of variation - 2.91%). The starch content in the grain of the shoots of a different order of formation was changed from 47.7 up to 49.7 % (coefficient of variation – 1.81 %). Thus, with increasing of order of formation there is a decrease in the grain mass, a decrease in the falling number of grain and starch content, and increase in viscosity of the water extract, in content of grain protein and soluble pentosan. Ash content, phosphorus, potassium and calcium in the grain of the shoots of a different order of formation did not differ significantly (coefficient of variation –5.21, 2.91, 8.47, 3.37, and 8.56 % respectively).

Keywords: winter rye, shoot formation, grain quality, falling number, kinematic viscosity, water soluble pentosans, protein


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