Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Results of red clover breeding for aluminum tolerance under conditions of North-East of European part of Russia

Pages: 20-25.

Onuchina O.L1, PhD in agriculture, head of laboratory,
Gripas' M.N.2, PhD in agriculture, head of laboratory,
Korneva I.A.1, associated researcher,
Arzamasova E.G.2, PhD in agriculture, researcher,
Popova E.V.2, PhD in agriculture, researcher

1Falenki breeding station, s. Falenki, Kirov region, Russia, 2North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


Results of perennial (1991-2016) experimental work carried out in Kirov region on creation of new breeding material and varieties of red clover combining aluminum tolerance and high productivity and other valuable parameters under conditions of North-east of European Russia are presented in the article. Methods are presented of creation of breeding material with tolerance to ions of aluminum and hydrogen. Characteristic of provocative edaphic background is done. Aluminum tolerant variety Grin is created with method of multiple two-stage selection of genotypes resistant to H+ and Al3+ (in laboratory towel culture and on hard field background). The variety is included in State Register of breeding achievements of Russian Federation in 2010 for 4 regions. As a result of selection in vitro for resistance to toxic ions of aluminum and hydrogen in combination with selection on field provocative background 60 breeding lines were obtained having value for creation of aluminum- and acid-resistant varieties of red clover. High resistance is revealed to edaphic stress-factors in perspective clone population P-15: in nursery of preliminary test on aluminum acid background under drought of 2016 the population statistically exceed standard variety Dymkovsky and early variety Trio on productivity of green mass on 6.5 and 9.5 t/ha or 23.0 and 37.7%. 79 breeding lines were created by the method of direct selection of genotypes on hard aluminum acid field background, 20 perspective lines were chosen combining resistance to edaphic stress factors with winter hardiness and high productivity of green mass (17.5-64.1% higher than variety Grin).

Keywords: red clover, method, selection, aluminum tolerance, polycross populations, regenerants, clone population, variety


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