Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Analysis of moving process of grain material components in suction chamber of grain-cleaning machine

Pages: 69-75.

Glushkov A.L., PhD in engineering, senior researcher

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


Conducting of theoretical investigations of moving process of grain heap under the action of air flow and analysis of obtained trajectories of moving is necessary at design of pneumo-separating devices of grain-cleaning machines. There are two variants of calculation of moving trajectories of components: taking into account of interaction between particles and without this interaction. The aim of the given study was comparison of both variants of accounting. Process of moving of grain heap components is considered on the example of suction chamber of machine for preliminary grain cleaning MPZ-50. By results of analysis of obtained moving trajectories of grain heap components it is established that resistance force of material layer reduces shift of moving trajectories of grain heap components toward channel of main cleaning (0.005…0.007 m). Light impurities with the factor of a sail-kП=1.09 m-1 with initial conditions of particles entering the receiving chamber in x0=0 -0.025...0 m under the action of lateral air flow is removed from the separation zone through the channel in the sedimentary pre-treatment chamber of the pneumatic system of the machine MPZ -50, and impurity at x0=-0.050 m fall on the outer wall of the main channel clean and under the action of gravity slide down into grooves of the supply roller on top of the full grain, which increases the probability of their selection in the main channel clean. As to usage of first or second variant of calculation of moving trajectories than the conclusion may be accepted that for preliminary calculation of pneumo-separating devices for example, determination of location of their working parts, it is enough to consider moving process of grain heap components without accounting of resistance force of material layer that allow to simplify similar investigation significantly. Conducting of theoretic investigations with accounting of resistance force is necessary for determination of optimal parameters of working organs.

Keywords: grain, light additives, grain-cleaning machine, suction chamber, load-distributing device, feeding roll, pneumo-separating channel, air flow


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