Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Impact of composition of organic acids on indicators characterizing endogenous intoxication in cows

Pages: 49-53.

Yashin I.V., PhD in biology, acting director,
Zotkin G.V., PhD in veterinary medicine, leading researcher,
Kosorlukova Z.Ya., PhD in veterinary medicine, deputy director,
Gladkova N.A., PhD in veterinary medicine, science secretary

Scientific Research Veterinary Institute of Non-Chernozem Zone of the Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


In modern conditions of livestock-keeping and animal husbandry obstetric pathology is an important problem on many dairy operations that can have substantial effects on cow reproductive performance and productivity which emphasizes the need for working out of new means and schemes for prevention and studies to clarify their impacts on immune and biochemical homeostasis of animals. The objective of the present researches was to found out whether organic acid composition can influence blood indices characterizing the endogenous intoxication (EI) intensity and postpartum morbidity in cows. Study was conducted in conditions of a dairy farm typical of the Nizhny Novgorod region on two groups of Black-and-white Holstein dairy cows (body weight (BW) 500-550 kg, average milk yield 5300 kg). As a result of conducted researches it is established that the composition preparation BioFAYAL containing fumaric, ascorbic, succinic and citric acids when administrated to cows orally daily 65 days before and 10 days after calving in dose 10 mg per kg BW led tomore physiological dynamicsand stabilization of markers characterizing the EI intensityresulted in statistically significant reduction of high incidence of pre- and postpartum diseases by 44,1% (placental retention by 22,5%, endometritis by 31,2%). 10-14 days after calvingdecrease of the level of substances of low and medium molecular mass (SLMMM) on erythrocytes by 8,8% (р≤0,01), beta-hydroxybutirat by 38,6% (р≤0,05) and sorption capacity of erythrocytes by 5,1% was estimated in cows treated with the composition of organic acids when compared with intact animals.

Keywords: cows, endogenous intoxication, organic acids, blood, obstetric diseases


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