Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Population peculiarities of beaver settlements within middle part of the Vyatka river

Pages: 63-68.

Dvornikov M.G., DSc in biology, leading researcher

Russian Research Institute of Game Management and Fur Farming, Kirov, Russia


Study of the population structure of mammal species inhabitate natural ecological systems directed on justify the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of biological resources and providing of the environmental legislation. In 1997 - 2014 ecosystem studies of southern taiga were conducted within Kaiskiy-Unzhinskiy forest with different level of modes of protection and use of natural resources. As a result of the translocation in a single natural complex since 1954 for a 60-year period it was created a population group of beaver that inhabits unevenly in reserve and neighboring areas. Using the natural differentiation of the territory and its animal population as a basis for comparative methods of knowledge allowed to indicate that the micro-population group of beavers is at the stage of maximum development. To control the complex use of natural resources and regulation of beaver populations, to increase the productivity of their groups, ensure the conservation and reproduction of habitats, the sustainable use of resources, environmental security, schemes of forest planning, wildlife management and other activities in partnership with the reserve are need. It is necessary as they are located in a natural integral territorial complex. Now it is necessary to carry out next regular activities and control: the state monitoring of objects of fauna and their habitats. It is necessary to regulate the population of beavers also in all hunting and urban areas.


Keywords: European beaver, beaver’s resources, nature reserve "Nurgush", ecological safety, complex environmental management


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