Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Results of awnless brome-grass (Bromopsis inermis Leyss.) breeding in Northern Trans-Ural Region

Pages: 15-21.

Lipovtsyna T.P., Head researcher

Northern Zauralye Agricultural Research Institute, Tyumen district, Tyumen region


The results are shown of breeding work with awnless brome-grass (Bromopsis inermis L.) in Northern Zauralye Agricultural Research Institute in 1983-2014. Methods are noted of creation of awnless brome-grass new initial forms - chemical mutagenesis, polycross, selection from wild species and local materials. More than 800 variety samples of awnless brome-grass were studied and tested in the collection nursery. The selection of plants and evaluation of the samples was conducted by elements of fodder and seed productivity, resistance to most prevalent diseases in the area (ergot, rust, helminthosporium), winter hardiness, and drought resistance. As a result of individual selection from native specimen of the Altai Territory breeder number 3 (E-43-79) was isolated, which become a basis for breeding of high-yield variety Langepas exceeding the standard Sverdlovskiy38 on yield of green mass and seeds, dry matter yield by 22.2; 38.4; and 53.4% respectively. The variety is included in the State Register of selection achievements of the Russian Federation on the Northern, North-Western, Volga-Vyatka, Ural, West Siberian and East Siberian regions. Since 1983 the effect of different mutagens - NMU, DMS, EI in concentrations of 0.02; 0.01; 0.005% in pure form and together with reparagene PABA (0.1%) on the awnless brome-grass variety Sverdlovsky 38 was studied. Plants were selected which combine stable seed production with high yields of green mass. Six promising populations, 230 families obtained from free pollination and 200 families - from forced pollination were selected in M2 generation. The most valuable samples having economic beneficial traits are included in the further breeding process. At the state test in 1999 was transferred to 5 grades awnless brome-grass created using chemical mutagenesis. Two varieties - Argonaut and Stepasha (treatment of variety Sverdlovsky-38 seeds with mutagen LCA 0.02%) are included in The State Register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation from 2007 for West Siberian region. Their yield of green mass exceeds parent form Sverdlovsky-38 by 14.2 and 8.3%; of dry matter yield – by 2.4 and 13.3%; of raw protein yield – by 14.1 and 16.1%; of seed productivity - by 31.8 and 68.2% respectively. The results of study of selection samples of awnless brome-grass for tolerance to ergot, helminthosporium and rust were presented.

Keywords: awnless brome-grass, chemical mutagenesis, polycross method, mutant forms, mutagens, variety, selection, tolerance


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