Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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Results of the test of universal separator of seed SP-2F

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2016.54.5.73-78.

Pages: 73-78.

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Burkov A.I., DSc in engineering, professor, head of laboratory,
Lazukin V.A., associated researcher

North-East Agricultural research Institute, Kirov, Russia


Universal pneumatic separator of seed CP-2F is created for final cleaning and separaiting of seeds from impurities, differing by aerodynamic properties. Pneumatic separator contains the frame, diametrical fan, channel with support grid and partition wall, separation and sediment chambers, inertial jalousie-backward dust collector, input device of raw material of active type, output device for material, device of adjust the supply of material and the air flow rate, drive mechanisms of working bodies. Acceptance tests were carried out on the secondary cleaning of seeds of spring oats and red clover at filing 1.02…1.75 and 0.46…0.78 t/hour respectively. The purity of the inputing material of oats was 96.17…96.8%. The bulk of the waste it taken by squashed oat grains – 2.36…3.38% and crushed grain – 0.22…0.76%. The purity of the clover inputing material ranged from 95.94 to 96.58%. The waste consisted with seeds of timothy grass and meadow fescue 3.42…4.06%. The predominant species of weed were creeping thistle and meadow fescue. After cleaning first grade seeds of oats have purity about 97.60…98.81%, this is below requirements of the Terms of Reference (99.0%). The cleaning efficiency meet regulatory (no less 80%), with performance up to 1.20 t/h. Low purity of oats seeds caused by presence of squashed grain and crushed grain in inputing material. Clover seeds of first grade at all modes correspond purity categories of elite seeds with cleaning efficiency 85.8…96.4%. Seed losses in waste at cleaning of both crops do not exceed the allowance. Seed crushing is not found. According to the results of acceptance tests separator of seed CP-2F is recommended for use in agriculture.

Keywords: pneumatic separator, fractioning, acceptance test, cleanliness of seed, cleaning efficiency, losses of seeds


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3. Burkov A.I., Glushkov A.L., Lazykin V.A. Issledovanie razdelitel'noy kamery fraktsionnogo pnevmoseparatora pri ochistke semyan kormovykh trav. [Investigation of dividing chamber of fraction pneumo-separator at seed cleaning of fodder grasses] // Agrarnaya nauka Evro-Severo–Vostoka. 2014. no. 5. pp. 69-74.
4. Burkov A.I., Glushkov A.L., Lazykin V.A. Issledovanie vertikal'nogo pnevmosepariruyushchego kanala s opornoy setkoy. [Investigation of vertical pneumo-separating channel with support net] // Agrarnaya nauka Evro-Severo–Vostoka. 2015. no. 1. pp. 73-79.
5. Burkov A.I., Glushkov A.L., Lazykin V.A. Pnevmoseparator. [Pneumo-separator]. Patent RF, no. 2519237, 2014.