Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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The results of industrial test of method for the treatment of endometritis in cows

Pages: 47-50.

Grigorieva T.E., DSc in veterinary, professor,
Sergeeva N.S., assistant

Chuvash state agricultural Academy, Cheboksary, Russia


Industrial test for comparative evaluation of methods for the treatment of acute endometritis in cows using the wombs beside cortex in combination with endometrium-bio and gamavit carried out on cows of black-motley breed in the Chuvash Republic. For experiments 2 groups of cows 90 animals each were formed: experimental and control, with clinically severe signs of postpartum purulent-catarrhal endometritis acute flow at 3-5 days after birth. In the experimental group of cows endometritis treatment was performed using wombs beside cortex at 11 BAP
(№ 17, 18, 22, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 29, 50, 51) in combination with antimicrobial drug endometrioma-bio in a dose 150 ml per 1 head, intrauterine, with an interval of 48 hours to recover, and the drug gamavit in a dose of 0.05 ml per 1 kg of animal weight, intramuscularly, with an interval of 48 hours, three times. In the control group uteroton were appointed at a dose of 10 ml per 1 head, intramuscularly, daily, five times, ichglukovit at a dose of 10 ml per 100 kg of live weight, every 48 hours three times, and acidific at a dose of 10 ml per head intramuscularly, with an interval of 3 days, five times. The effectiveness of the treatments showed that the best results were obtained in the experimental group. Recovery was 90%, which is higher compared to the control at 20%, the impregnation rate of the cows higher by 21%, reduced the time duration of infertility at 16.20±4.02 (p<0.01), fertilization index 0.67±0.20 (p<0.01), between the period of 16.20±2.65 (p<0.01) increased average milk yield at 6.0% of the calf crop 21.0%.

Keywords: cow, postpartum endometritis, method of treatment, agopuntura, endometromag-bio, gamavit, reproductive function


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