Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

Phone (8332) 33-10-43
(8332) 33-07-21
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Address: Kirov, Lenin's street, 166-a

№1 (56) - 2017

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Plant Growing

Savchenko I.V..
Biological diversity of cultural plants - a basis of innovative development of crop production (pp. 4-9)

Kulikov I.M., Minakov I.A..
The development of horticulture in Russia: trends, problems, prospects (pp. 9-15)

Nelyubina Zh.S., Kasatkina N.I..
ВEffect of technological methods on the formation of seed productivity of a Lotus corniculatus in the Udmurt Republic (pp. 15-20)

Ponomareva S.V., Selekhov V.V..
The yield and the quality of pea cultivars depending on weather conditions (pp. 20-27)

Fodder Production

Zolotarev V.N., Kosolapov V.M., Perepravо N.I..
The state of grass cultivation and prospects of development of seed production of perennial grasses in Russia and in the Volga-Vyatka region (pp. 28-34)

Agriculture, Agrochemistry, Amelioration

Abashev V.D..
Water regime of drying sod-podzolic gleyey sandy soil (pp. 35-40)

Kuznetsov D.A., Prokina L.N., Ibragimova G.N., Kalinina A.D..
Influence of chelate microfertilizers (microfit) application on the yield of early ripening group potato varieties on background of high doses of mineral fertilizers (pp. 40-47)

Lednev A.V., Skvortsova I.A..
Effects of oil pollution on microbial communities peat soil middle Preduralie (pp. 47-53)

Mitrofanov Yu.I..
Dynamics of some criteria of soil fertility in a non-balanced agriculture (pp. 53-59)

Zavyalova N.E..
The agrochemical profile of sod-podzoil heavy loam soil in a long stationary experiment (pp. 59-65)

Veterinary Medicine

Lukyanova G.A., Makarova M.V., Galat M.V., Makarevich N.A., Gurenko I.A..
Epizootic situation on toxoplasmosis in the Crimea (pp. 66-69)


Sysuev V.A., Saitov V.E., Ustyuzhanin I.A., Saitov A.V..
Use of saline solutions for the isolation of ergot of rye grain (pp. 70-73)


Kormishkina L.A., Semenova N.N., Kormisnkin E.D..
The solution to the problem of food security and agricultural development in the XXI century in European (pp. 74-78)