Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Theory of cancer and immunological aspects of carcino- and leukemogenesis

Pages: 49-54.

Smirnov Yu.P., DSc in veterinary, leading researcher

Scientific and Research Veterinary Institute of the Non-Chernozem Zone of the Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


The article overviews some theories of carcino- and leukemogenesis (viral, viralgenetic, viralimmunogenetic, immunological, polyetiological, chemical, mutational, hormonal, oncogenic, antiviral, embryonal, homotoxicological, of parasitic nature etc.). It summarizes some factors contributing to the emergence and development of carcino- and leukemogenesis. Mechanism of the development of leukemic pathology is described from the immunological standpoint. The importance of reducing the natural resistance of animals for raising the level of their infection with the BLV and the incidence of leukemia in infected individuals is shown. Immune protection of animals through the activation of T- and B-lymphocytes, phagocytes capable of killing tumor cells is pointed out. The role of interferons, interleukins in correction of defects of the immune system in response to the viral infection is noted. Advisability of application to young animals of immunotropic drugs activating cells of monocyte-macrophage systems to prevent leukemia is described. In case of a defect of the immune system circulating immune complexes are deposited in organs and contribute to their damage, particularly in ecologically unfavorable territories. The possibility of the immunoprophylaxis for preventing bovine leukemia by the administration of immunomodulators (ligphol, phosprenyl, E-selenium, anandin, selepher, ribotan etc.) particularly in combination stimulating immune reactions is shown. Immunomodulators contributed to increasing resistance of animals to BLV-infection. It is recommended to preserve the immune system activity on a sufficiently high level by using various effective immunomodulators particularly in combination for increasing effectiveness of anti-leukemia activities.

Keywords: theories of carcinogenesis, immunological aspects of carcino-and leukemogenesis, immunological defect, immunocorrection, immunomodulators, BLV, immunoprophylaxis


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