Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Estimation of spring soft wheat varieties by yield and adaptive properties

Pages: 19-23.

Volkova L.V., PhD in biology, head of laboratory
North-east Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia
Gireva V.M.,
head of branch
State Commission on Kirov region


The evaluation of varieties of spring soft wheat Bazhenka, Vyatchanka, Svecha, Iren’, Margarita, Simbirzit, and Priokskaya on yield and parameters of adaptive properties, including ecological plasticity, stability and homeostaticity was carried out. A significant influence of en-vironmental factors on the formation of productivity is shown. Average yields of varieties for 2014...2016 in five ecological points of the Kirov region was 3.59 t/ha and varied depending on the test point from 2.61 to 4.18 t/ha (the share of influence of the factor is 38.7%), the conditions of the year – from 3.05 to 4.04 t/ha (18.9%), the genotype - from 3.29 to 3.92 t/ha (6.4%). With regression analysis varieties of intensive type (Bazhenka, Margarita, Simbirtsit) and varieties with a weak response to changes in environmental conditions (Svecha, Iren) have been identified. A high level of average yields was distinguished by early varieties Vyatchanka and middle-ripening varieties Margarita and Simbirtsit. High degree of homeostatics was in variety Priokskaya. The analysis of nine parameters of adaptive properties calculated by different methods determined the high consistency between the coefficient of variation, the plasticity and stability characteristics by S.A. Eberhart and V.A. Russell, and the multiplicative coefficient. The coefficient of regression, in turn, significantly correlated with the yield, i.e. varieties with high level of the trait were characterized as more plastic. The parameters of Stability Index, homeostaticity, and the level of variety stability bear similar information and can be recom-mended for assessing homeostasis as a property to provide high and stable yield in different me-dia.

Keywords: spring soft wheat, variety, productivity, adaptability, plasticity, stability


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