Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Practical application of the STF-1/56 TiM biomedication in industrial animal husbandry

Pages: 54-58.

Sobeschanskaya E.M., assistant of the cathedra,
Korableva T.R., DSc in Veterinary, Professor

Academy of Life and Environmental Sciences of «V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University», Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Russia


During scientific-industrial experiment influence of biopreparation STF 1/56 Tim made on the basis of life culture Enterococcus faecium 1/56 on newborn calves of red steppe bred was studied since 2-day age. Animals of test group take preparation daily with milk at doze of 5 ml/head (up to 15-day age) and 10 mg/head (15…20-day age). Animals of control group do not take a preparation. Total amount of eritrocites, leukocites in Goryaev’s count camera. Leucogram was get in smears stained after Romanovsky-Gimza. To determine the bactericidal activity of blood was performed staging of spontaneous and stimulated recovery test nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT-test). At 15-th day of study there were statistically significant (р ˂ 0.001) differences in number of eosinophils (7.09%) and stab neutrophils (13.3%) in animals of experiment group in comparison with calvel of control group (4.01 and 7.31% respectively). Cell protection factors get active. Phagocytic activity of blood cells in the experiment animal was 16.5% higher in compare with control: 56% versus 49.8% respectively. Simultaneously, a statistically significant (p ˂ 0.001) increase in blood neutrophil bactericidal activity was indicated of 57.09% in the experiment versus 46.43% in the control. Indicator of reserve capacity of bactericidal activity in the experimental group was 6.82% against 4.03% in the controls (p ˂ 0.001). It was established that under the influence of probiotic ALS blood on the 10 and 20 day of use of a biological product was higher in calves of the experimental group and was equal to 56.06% and 57.09% against 42.12% and 46.43% in control, respectively. Conducted research and production experience, and the results obtained show that the use of the drug STF 1/56 TiM alimentary to calves of newborn period with milk has a statistically significant effect on hematologic and im-munologic status of the animals.

Keywords: probiotic preparation, newborn calves, natural resistance, nonspecific defense, phagocytosis, NBT test


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