Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

Phone (8332) 33-10-43
(8332) 33-07-21
Fax: (8332) 33-10-25
Address: Kirov, Lenin's street, 166-a

№ 1 (62) - 2018

Review Articles

Sysuev V.A., Shirokikh I.G., Shirokikh A.A., Yui LI.
Mushrooms as a crop of agricultural production
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Utkina E.I., Kedrova L.I..
Winter hardiness in winter rye: problems and solutions
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Brandorf A.Z., Ivoylova M.M..
The influence of environmental factors on the quality standards of royal jelly Apis mellifera L.
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Plant Growing

Babaytseva T.A., Gamberova T.V..
The model of the winter triticale variety for the Middle Urals
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Amunova O.S., Tiunova L.N..
Genetic diversity of soft spring wheat in resistance to early drought
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Kuznetsov D.A., Ibragimova G.N., Kalinina A.D..
The effect of nitrogen fertilizers on productivity and grain quality of oat varieties in southern Nonchernozem Zone
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Leont'eva V.V..
Preliminary results of selection of clones of common hops (Humulus Lupulus L.) for breeding new varieties of bitter and aromatic types
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Agriculture, Agrochemistry, Amelioration

Ramazanova R.Kh., Tursinbaeva A.E., Kekilbaeva G.R., Matina A.E., Kasipkhan A..
The effect of nitrogen fertilizers on productivity of spring triticale in the dry steppe zone of Kazakhstan
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Abashev V.D., Popov F.A., Noskova E.N., Zhuk S.N..
The effect of mineral fertilizers on productivity and grain quality of naked oat of Persheron variety
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Dzyuin A.G..
Effect of straw on the number of microorganisms and biological activity of soil in crop rotation
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Semenova N.V..
Phenotypic trends of dairy cattle populations in the regions of the Volga Federal District
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Veterinary Medicine

Evstafieva V.А., Melnichuk V.V., Sharavara T. A., Sirenko E.V, Makarevich N.A., Kutsenko Yu.P., Khlevnaya G.S..
Specific features of embryonic development of Trichuris skrjabini (Baskakov, 1924) nematode eggs parasitizing in sheep
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Hunting Study

Makaryushchenko V.V..
The concept of “tourist destination” and its specific features
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Abashev V.D.
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