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Estimating the winter rye varieties by yield productivity and parameters of ecological plasticity in the conditions of the Northern Trans-Urals

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.64.3.22-27.

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V.A. Sapega1, DSc in Agriculture, professor, e-mail:,
G.Sh. Tursunbekova 2, DSc in Agriculture, professor
1 Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Industrial University of Tyumen», Tyumen, Ural Federal District, Russian Federation, e-mail:,
2 Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University”, Tyumen, Russian Federation, e-mail:

The article covers information on the evaluation of winter rye varieties by productivity and parameters of adaptability as the result of 2015-2017 testing in the sub-boreal forest and northern forest-steppe of the Tyumen region. The index of environmental conditions and ecological plasticity of varieties was determined using the method of S.A. Eberhart and W.A. Russell. The realization of the productivity potential – according to the method of E.D. Nettevich. The scope of productivity was determined by the method of V.A. Zykin et al., and the general adaptive ability of varieties – according to the method of Kilchevsky A.V., Khotyleva L.V. Significant variability of the environmental conditions index regardless of the climatic zone has been recorded (sub-boreal forest – from -1.04 to 1.87; northern forest-steppe –from -0.74 to 0.64). The variety Petrovna (Russia) was characterized by the highest average productivity in the sub-boreal forest – 3.15 t/ha, in the north forest-steppe zone it was Su Forsetti (Germany) – 3.56 t/ha. Realization of productivity potential of varieties was low, especially in the sub-boreal forest. Its highest value, regardless of climatic zone, belonged to Petrovna variety (61.4 % in the sub-boreal forest; 82.2 % - in the northern forest-steppe). The variety Petrovna was the best (3.33 t/ha) in average yields in 6 environments (3 years x 2 STP). All varieties were characterized by a wide range of productivity from 57.9 % (Petrovna) to 73.8% (Su Performer (Germany)). Three groups of varieties were noted according to ecological plasticity: strongly responsive to changing conditions (bi˃1 –Su Forsetti), poorly responsive to changing conditions (bi˂1 – Petrovna) and plastic (bi is equal or close to 1 – Ducato (Germany), Su Mephisto (Germany), Su Performer (Germany), Jantarnaya (Russia)). The varieties Ducato (Si 2 = 1.59) and Su Forsetti (Si 2=3.18) were characterized by the greatest stability, the lowest stability was shown by Petrovna (Si 2=34.40) and Jantarnaya (Si 2=26.97). The varieties Petrovna (GAA = 0.35) and Jantarnaya (GAA = 0.19) were identified by the highest general adaptive ability. On the basis of complex assessment of productivity and parameters of adaptability in 6 environments the perspective variety Su Forsetti was recognized the best.

Keywords: winter rye, variety, yield productivity, the scope of the productivity, the realization of the productivity potential, ecological plasticity, the general adaptive ability

For citation:

Sapega V.A., Tursunbekova G.Sh. Estimating the winter rye varieties by yield productivity and parameters of ecological plasticity in the conditions of the Northern Trans-Urals // Agrarnayа nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka. 2018. Vol. 64. no. 3. pp.22-27. doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.64.3.22-27.