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Formation of the production process of pasture stands on drained soils, depending on their species composition

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.64.3.56-61.

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N.N. Ivanova, PhD in Agriculture, senior researcher, Fodder Production Department, e-mail:
A.D. Kapsamun, DSc in Agriculture, Head of the Department of Fodder Production
E.N. Pavlyuchik, PhD in Agriculture, senior researcher, Fodder Production Department
N.N. Ambrosimova, junior researcher, Fodder Production Department
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Reclaimed Lands, Settlement Emmaus,Tver Region, Russian Federation, e-mail:

The paper provides the results of 2012-2017 studies on the formation of bioproductivity of sown pasture grass stands from perennial legume-grass grasses. The research was carried out at the agroecological section of the FGBNU VNIIMZ according to the methodological guidelines on the forage production. The aim of the research was to study the formation of the productivity of pasture grass stands on the basis of perennial ryegrass VIC 66 and festulolium VIC 90 on drained lands, depending on the  mbination of species in grass mixtures. Along with the traditional for the non-chernozem zone grass mixtures, studied were grass mixtures from perennial ryegrass and festulolium with the addition of red fescue, alfalfa variable and birds-foot trefoil. Two, three and four-species grass mixtures with various legumes and grasses were studied with regard to their qualitative role in the grass stand. When analyzing the results of phenological observations, a high adaptive potential was revealed in  presentatives of the legume component – alfalfa variable, birds-foot trefoil and cereal - fescue red - when cultivated on drained land under these conditions. The reactions of pasture grasses to the phytocenotic factor have been studied. Fescue red had a high competitive ability and stability in the studied grass mixtures. Over the years, the index of cenotic activity increased in the fescue red, alfalfa variable and birds-foot trefoil but decreased in the rest herbs studied. As a result of the research it was revealed that high yields were provided by grass mixtures, which additionally included the 2nd bean component: alfalfa variable Nakhodka, birds-foot trefoil Solnyshko, which significantly increased the yield of green mass by 1.90-5.98 tons per hectare. It has been experimentally established that the determinative condition for obtaining high and stable productivity of sown pastures on drained soils is the targeted selection of grass mixtures with regard to the compensatory variability of the phytocoenosis composition by years. It is determined that in the composition of grass mixtures during the creation of sown pastures it is necessary to include, along with traditional types of grasses, the new and most competitive species and varieties of grasses with a higher and stable level of yield and nutrition resistant to intensive use.

Keywords: botanical composition, phytocenotic activity, perennial ryegrass, festulolium, alfalfa variable, birds-foot trefoil, fescue red, bioproductivity

For citation:

Ivanova N.N., Kapsamun A.D., Pavlyuchik E.N., Ambrosimova N.N. Formation of the production process of pasture stands on drained soils, depending on their species composition // Agrarnayа nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka. 2018. Vol. 64. no. 3. pp.56-61. doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.64.3.56-61.