The response of a new barley variety Rodnik Prikamiya to the use of plant growth regulators
doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.64.3.28-33.
read allТ.К. Sheshegova, DSc in Biology, Head of the Laboratory1, professor2,
I.N. Shchennikova, DSc in Agriculture, Head of the Laboratory1, professor2, e-mail:
1 Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East named N.V.Rudnitsky, Kirov, Russian Federation,
2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Vyatka State Agricultural Academy», Kirov, Russian Federation,
The research was done in 2015-2017 in Kirov region. The article provides data on productivity, structure, sowing qualities of seeds and susceptibility to root rot, net blotch and dark-brown blotch of a new spring barley variety Rodnik Prikamiya. The technology of its cultivation included the use of growth regulators Emistim R, and Albit TPS. Preparations were used both alone (treatment of seeds and sowings in tillering stage, once and twice) and in tank mix at seed treatment with fungicide Bunker VSK. The highest productivity of the variety (average in variants - 654 g/m2) was obtained in relatively favorable growth conditions of 2015; the least one (average 399 g/m2) – in 2017 at over moistening (LSD05 on the “year” factor – 60). It has been established that productive potential of the variety and 1000 grain mass were largely determined by climatic conditions of the growing season especially at the most important periods of ontogenesis (the part of influence 59.8 and 88.7% relatively). Use of growth regulators Emistim and Albit in barley cultivation technology is more effective in years with lack or surplus of moisture during the growing season. Under conditions favorable in heat and moisture the role of genotype in production process rises but the effect of preparations decreases. On the average for 3 years the highest productivity was obtained at sowing treatment with Albit preparation as well as at complex treatment of seeds with tank mix of growth regulators Albit and Emistim with fungicide Bunker and following treatment of sowings with regulators. This productivity was 561 g/m2, 550gг/m2 and 552 g/m2 that is 23-34 g/m2 higher than control. The preparations under study decreased the development of root rot independent of environmental factors of the year and plant resistance to net blotch was better under sufficient moistening.
Keywords: spring barley, variety, fungicides and plant growth regulators, climatic conditions of growing season, productivity, helminthosporiosis diseases
For citation:
Sheshegova T.K., Shchennikova I.N. The response of a new barley variety Rodnik Prikamiya to the use of plant growth regulators // Agrarnayа nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka. 2018. Vol. 64. no. 3. pp. 28-33. doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.64.3.28-33.