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Complex estimation of red clover perspective varieties

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.66.5.51-58.

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M.N. Gripas', PhD in Agriculture, senior researcher, Head of the Laboratory,
E.G. Arzamasova, PhD in Agriculture, researcher,
E.V. Popova, PhD in Agriculture, researcher

Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitsky, Kirov, Russian Federation, e-mail:, e-mail:

The article provides the results of complex estimation of 11 perspective composite hybrid and poly-cross populations of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) conducted in competitive variety trial of 2014-2016. The winter hardiness of the new varieties created by the authors, duration of growing season, plant height, number of leaves per plant, fodder production by cutting and years of use, leaves yield, and quality of dry matter (total and digestive protein yield) have been determined. Immunological estimation of the varieties by degree of development of leaf diseases and root rot was done. By complex of economic-valuable traits early populations GPF-83-2/4, GPR-41-4, GPF-122-2, GPF-49-3 and middle-ripening SGP-188 have been selected. The varieties combine high winter hardi-ness (93.9…100%) at the level of standards (st.) Trio and Dymkovsky, fodder production (sum yield of dry matter of early varieties – 18.27…19.88 t/ha (+1.79…3.40 t/ha to the st. Trio), middle-ripened SGP-188 – 21.3 t/ha (+2.72 t/ha to the st. Dymkovsky), of raw protein – 2.88…3.01 t/ha (+0.31…0.44 t/ha) and 3.52 t/ha (+0.62 t/ha)), fodder quality (yield of digestive protein – 2.00…2.08 t/ha (+0.22…0.30 t/ha) and 2.47 t/ha (+0.46 t/ha), respectively) with stable seed yield capacity (4.10…4.99 dt/ha in average for 2 years) and age plant resistance to root rots.

Keywords: red clover, breeding, morphological-and-biological traits, fodder productivity, protein yield, digestive protein, seed yield capacity, immunological characteristics

For citation:

Gripas' M.N., Arzamasova E.G., Popova E.V. Complex estimation of red clover perspective varieties // Agrarnayа nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka. 2018. Vol. 66. no. 5. pp. 51-58. doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.66.5.51-58.