Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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The influence of weather conditions on the signs of adaptability and soy crop in the North-East of Russia

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.66.5.59-63.

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M.Ph. Fadeeva, PhD in Agriculture,
L.V. Vorobyeva, senior researcher,
O.L. Matveeva, researcher

Chuvash Research Agricultural Institute – Branch of the Federal Agrarian Research Center of the North-East named N.V.Rudnitsky, Opytny settlement, Chuvash Republic, Russian Federation,  e- mail: chniish@

The article shows the results of the 2015-2017 research of early – ripening selective lines of soy bean of the northern ecotype in the conditions of Chuvashia. Such characteristics of soy bean plants as the height and attach-ment of the low bean belong to the signs of adaptability and effect the crop. No matter that those signs belong to definite sorts and they are genetically defined, great influence of hydrothermal capacity on soy formation according to the height of plants and attaching of low bean was determined. The first year of testing was more favorable for growth and developing of plants –the height of plants in variants was 79cm in an average with low bean attaching at the height of 15cm. The number of beans below 15cm was 1.8 pcs/plant. The lost of beans after combine harvesting was approximately 3.9 %. During dry year of 2016 an average height of plants was at the level of 68cm, low bean attaching – 13cm. The number of beans below 15cm was 3.6 pcs/plant, and as a result the lost was 6.5%. The nega-tive effect of weather conditions on soy bean was noticed in 2017 when cold rainy weather moved the time of sow-ing for two weeks, seeding time for three weeks and harvesting time was moved as well. The number of beans be-low 15 cm was 2.2 pcs/plant, which led to 5.7% lost. Depending on weather conditions during the years of the re-search the results on the main signs of the adaptability of the testing soy bean lines were received. Three lines of the following characteristics were shown: architectonics of the bush – upright, of the middle height, resistant to lodging, attaching of low beans higher than 10 cm and minimum of beans lower than 15 cm, loss of beans while harvesting did not exceed 5%.

Keywords: soy bean, warm and water availability, height of plants, height of low bean attaching, crop yield, harvest losses

For citation:

Fadeeva M.Ph., Vorobyova L.V., Matveeva O.L. The influence of weather conditions on the signs of adaptability and soy crop in the North-East of Russia // Agrarnayа nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka. 2018. Vol. 66. no. 5. pp. 59-63. doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.66.5.59-63.