Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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Comparative study of mid-season and middle-late varieties of strong wheat of the Siberian selection in a forest-steppe zone of the Tyumen region

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.67.6.33-41.

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A.A. Kazak, PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, head of the department, e-mail:, ORCID ID 0000-0002-0563-3806,
Yu.P. Loginov, DSc in Agriculture, professor

Northern Trans- Ural State Agricultural University, Tyumen, Tyumen region, Russian Federation, e-mail:

In 2013-2015 in the northern forest-steppe of the Tyumen region the comparative study of 10 mid-season and 7 middle-late strong varieties of spring soft wheat of the Siberian selection was carried out. During the research with seeding rate of 620 viable grains per 1sq.m, high indices of density of young crops (485-586 pieces/sq.m) and of the viability of plants by the harvesting period (402-530 pieces/sq.m) were obtained. These indices closely correlated with the yield productivity (r = 0.72-0.84). The productive tilling capacity was low (1.0-1.2) and it had little effect on the output yield. The maximum leaf area (30 thousand sq.m/ha and more) was formed by mid-season varieties Alexandrina, Niva 2, Novosibirskaya 89 and middle-late Omskaya 28, Sibakovskaya 3 and Omskaya 37 varieties. Close positive relation (r = 0.74-0.81) between the leaf area and productivity has been established. The varieties Altaisky prostor, Omskaya 18, Omskaya 19, Omskaya 37, Omskaya 38 are of special value for use in selection programs. They successfully combine the productivity (2.69-2.96 t/ha) and the amount of gluten (27.1-32.4%) of the first quality group.

Keywords: spring soft wheat, productivity, quality of grain, stability of the variety

For citation:

Kazak A.A., Loginov. Yu.P. Comparative study of mid-season and middle-late varieties of strong wheat of the Siberian selection in a forest-steppe zone of the Tyumen region // Agrarnayа nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka. 2018. Vol. 67. no. 6. pp. 33-41. doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.67.6.33-41.