Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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Pear adaptability and productivity in the north-eastern part of European Russia

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.65.4.59-63.

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S.V. Firsova, PhD in Agriculture, senior researcher,
A.P. Sofronov, PhD in Agriculture, researcher, head of the laboratory,
A.A. Rusinov, researcher
Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East named N.V.Rudnitsky, Kirov, Russian Federation, e-mail:

In the conditions of Kirov region nine pear varieties of different ecological and geographical origin planted in 2007 were studied in 2013-2017. They are Kupava (Globeflower), Perun, Svarog, Karataevskaya, Naryadnaya Efimova (Smart Efimova), Vidnaya (Prominent), Larinskaya, Povislaya (Hanging), Chizhovskaya. Dates of phono-logical phases were determined: the beginning of vegetation is 8th - 11th May, blossom is 18th – 24th May, ripening is 29th August – 13th September, the end of vegetation is the second decade of October. The sum of effective tem-peratures (more than +10ºС) essential for beginning of pear vegetation is averaging 114 ºС, for beginning of blos-som is 237ºС. The accumulation of 1572 ºС effective temperatures is essential for beginning of phonological phase “the beginning of ripening”. The period from beginning of blossom to beginning of ripening lasts from 99 to 117 days. Average time of a vegetative season is 161 days. Seven pear varieties (77.7%) showed a good level of winter hardiness (the degree of subfreezing is 2 points and lower in critical years). According to the productivity studying, varieties such as Kupava (23.2 kg/ a tree), Svarog (23.1 kg/a tree) and Perun (22.9 kg/a tree) exceeded check variety Chizhovskaya (9.2 kg/ a tree). The study of pear fruiting stability shows a low level of fruit stability (Уп= 0 – 0.40). An average fruit stability (Уп=0.40-0.75) was observed on three varieties: Chizovskaya (0.41), Kupava (0.42) and Karataevskaya (0.43). In conclusion, the studying of pear varieties showed prospects of their cultivation in condi-tions of the north-eastern part of European Russia. 

Keywords: pear, phenological phases, winter hardiness, productivity, fruit stability

For citation:

Firsova S.V., Sofronov A.P., Rusinov A.A. Pear adaptability and productivity in the north-eastern part of European Russia // Agrarnayа nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka. 2018. Vol. 65. no. 4. pp. 59-63. doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2018.65.4.59-63.