Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

Phone (8332) 33-10-43
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Address: Kirov, Lenin's street, 166-a

№2 (17) - 2010


 Sysuev V., Ustjuzhanin I. Agrarian science of Euro-North-East - tradition and innovations


Vedernikov Y. Influence of varietal technology on the quality of the seeds of spring soft wheat
Zhukova O., Sezonova N., Korablyova G
. The influence of the complex cultural practice, limiting spreading to viral infection on harvest and quality seed potatoes in condition Kostromа region
Danilova Yu., Treivas L., Trofimova N.
Practical consideration of fungal and bacterial infection in the hop (Humulus lupulus L.) root system


Kuchin N., Mansurov A. Preparation of a silo with use of biological products from mixes of annual grasses at their different terms skewing


Pasynkova E. Dynamics of the competitive relations in consumption of nitrogen by plants of spring wheat and vetch, cultivated in mixed crops


Timkina E.  Use of BCL for pigs, enriched plant leuzea
Jureva I., Vdovina N.
Use of inbreeding at perfection of mesenik breeds of horses
Fedosenko E., Baranova N., Baranov A. Raise of efficiency of engine extraction of milk of the cows
Suntsova N., Laptev P.
The contents of macro- and microelements in blood of raccoon dogs contained in shade and in a building with adjustable microclimate
Korotaev V., Suntsova N., Gazizov V
.   Influence of a preparation "sedimin" on some exterior parameters and dynamics of live weight of young raccoon dogs


Permyakova I.  Bioinfusion application for prevention cow’s postnatal gynaecological diseases
Lazovskaya A., Vorobyeva Z., Slinina K., Kulchidskaya M., Liskova E., Karapetjan O.  
Substantiation of application of probiotcs to young animals at actinomyces infections
Burova O., Isaev V., Korobova O., Khrisanfova T. Treatment of intestinal diseases in calves


Diomshin S., Nurizyanov R. Definition constructive-technological scheme of the combined implement for the basic cultivation of soil
Galiev I., Mukhametshin A.
Results on substantiation of influence of residual resource on reliability of units and systems of tractor
Yunusov G.,  Mayorov A.
The results of the experimental researches by the definition of the rational modes of the cleaning of the cans in jet washer of the sinking type
Mukhamadjarov F., Ostal'tsev V.
Deformation of soil and energy-costs at movement of tractors


Zhujkova M., Mannapova D. Remote education - as the form of maintenance of the enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex highly-skilledpersonnel


Agrarian science of Euro-North-East - tradition and innovations
Sysuev V., Ustjuzhanin I.
The North-East Agricultural Research Institute after N.V. Rudnitsky - one of the largest centers of the agricultural science of Russia fulfilled 115 years to. The developments of institute in the field of agriculture are widely claimed both in Russia and beyond its limits. Enormous scientific potential, wide internal and international communication service - components of the successful and fruitful work of that directed on the passage of agricultural production to the new, innovation and science-intensive way of development.

Influence of varietal technology on the quality of the seeds of spring soft wheat
Vedernikov Y.
Are represented the results of studies on the influence of the coarseness of seeds, feeding with the nitric tertilizers and of periods of harvesting on the energy of germination, the laboratory and field germinability  of the seeds of spring soft wheat of types Priokskaya, Iren end Svecha.
Key words:
spring soft wheat, guality of seeds, energy of germination, laboratory and field germinability


The influence of the complex cultural practice, limiting spreading to viral infection on harvest and quality seed potatoes in condition Kostromа region
Zhukova O., Sezonova N., Korablyova G.
It is shown dependency to yields and quality seed potatoes from using the complex cultural practice, limiting spreading to viral infection in field.
Key words:
potatoes, technology, seed production, viral infection, cultivar, period of the removing the vegetable tops, processing by insecticides, productivity, a quality of potato seed

Practical consideration of fungal and bacterial infection in the hop (Humulus lupulus L.) root system
Danilova Yu., Treivas L., Trofimova N.
Varieties samples of world collection held at the Hop Research Institute have been assessed for their resistance to the low temperatures phytopathogenic fungi and bacterial infection. Most varieties showed varying level of susceptibility and resistance. Results from this study can be use to reduce the incidence of fungal and bacterial disease in this region.
Key words:
hops rootstock, varieties, growth period, winter hardiness, low-temperature phytopathogenic funges, snow mold

Preparation of a silo with use of biological products from mixes of annual grasses at their different terms skewing
Kuchin N., Mansurov A.
Are established{installed} optimum mow a grass mixes of annual grasses (vika + barley, lupin + barley) for manufacture preserved{tinned} monoforages (grain hay) from all biomass of the plants which are being at different stages of ripeness of grain of barley. Influence of separate lactic ferments on quality of fermentation{unrest} is certain.
Key words:
mixes leguminous and grain fodder cultures, grain hay, conservation, siloing, biological products, quality of fermentation{unrest}

Dynamics of the competitive relations in consumption of nitrogen by plants of spring wheat and vetch, cultivated in mixed crops
Pasynkova E.
Dynamics of the competitive relations in consumption (output) of nitrogen at different growth stages by plants of spring wheat and vetch, cultivated on a background of growing dozes of nitrogen fertilizers and at various sowing ratio in mixture, by criteria of biological efficiency (Land Equivalent Ratio (LER)) and competitive relations (Competitive ratio (CR)) is presented in the article.
Key words
: spring wheat, spring vetch, mixed crop, consumption of nitrogen, competitive relations, Land Equivalent Ratio (LER), Competitive ratio (CR)

Use of BCL for pigs, enriched plant leuzea
Timkina E.
It Is installed that
feeding pigs a dry form of BCL, enriched plant leuzea, of dose 5,0 g enhances the effectiveness of prevention against gastro-intestinal diseases 7%, and achieve 100% safety of livestock. Application BCL can normalize the function of the liver of pigs.
Key words:
probiotics, plants leuzea, pigs, blood

Use of inbreeding at perfection of mesenik breeds of horses
Jureva I., Vdovina N.
Results of research of influence inbreeding  on economic-useful qualities mesenik  horses on parameters of working capacity, reproduction, growth and development of young growth are resulted.
Key words:
a horse, mesenik breed, inbreeding, depression, transferrin, homozygosity


Raise of efficiency of engine extraction of milk of the cows
Fedosenko E., Baranova N., Baranov A.
Results of researches on study of a production efficiency of milk at usage of modern dairy machines.
Key words:
  dairy machines, Kostroma breed, productivity, the cost price of milk

The contents of macro- and microelements in blood of raccoon dogs contained in shade and in a building with adjustable microclimate
Suntsova N., Laptev P.
At the maintenance of raccoon dogs in the building with the adjustable microclimate quantity macro and microcells serum and whole in integral blood, and in whey changes.
Key words:
raccoon dog, light exposure, macro and microcells, blood

Influence of a preparation "sedimin" on some exterior parameters and dynamics of live weight of young raccoon dogs
Korotaev V., Suntsova N., Gazizov V.
Preparation influence sedimin,
 external indicators of the body of young growth of raccoon dogs and live weight Is established. The best results are received after introduction of the preparation of 2 ml, two is multiple.
Key words:
a raccoon dog, sedimin,  external indicators of the body, live weight

Bioinfusion application for prevention cow’s postnatal gynaecological diseases
Permyakova I.
The results of bioinfusion efficiency research are given. This immunogenic preparation is used for prevention of cow’s postnatal gynaecological diseases. Experiments showed that elaborated scheme efficiency for prevention cow’s acute endometritis was 76 and 64% for two treatment groups.
Key words:
cattle, immunogenic preparation, resistability, acute endometritis, prevention efficiency

Substantiation of application of probiotcs to young animals at actinomyces infections
Lazovskaya A., Vorobyeva Z., Slinina K., Kulchidskaya M., Liskova E.,
Karapetjan O.
The antagonistic activity of probiotics okarin, lactobacterin and vetom 1-1 in  respect to some  reference-strains  and fresh isolated cultures in vitro and in vivo has been evaluated.
Key words
: probiotics, antagonistic activity, actinomyces infection

Treatment of intestinal diseases in calves
Burova O., Isaev V., Korobova O., Khrisanfova T.
A new method to treat the gastrointestinal diseases with symptom group diarrhea in calves based on biologically active substances of herbs fermented with effective microorganisms of the preparation “Baikal EM-1” was developed and tested.  This method has been found to shorten the disease duration in 1,6-2,2 times and to enhance the safe-keeping by 37,5-50,0%. In a severe case the use of adsorbents, detoxicants and hydration solutions is recommended.
Key words:
calves, gastrointestinal diseases, technology, methods of treatment, biologically active substances

Definition constructive-technological scheme of the combined implement for the basic cultivation of soil
Diomshin S., Nurizyanov R.
The results of research on
of rational constructive-technological scheme of the combined implement for the basic cultivation of soil with replaceable working bodies are shown.
Key words:
ploughing, non-moldboard soil cultivations, a plough, blade cultivator, plough cases, plough-blade pads, disk working bodies

Results on substantiation of influence of residual resource on reliability of units and systems of tractor
Galiev I., Mukhametshin A.
Results of researches on reliability of DT-75M tractor were given in the article. Mathematical dependences of amount of failures on groups of complexity of tractor's systems by its residual resource were received.
Key words:
reliability, maintenance service, residual resource of tractor

The results of the experimental researches by the definition of the rational modes of the cleaning of the cans in jet washer of the sinking type
Yunusov G.,  Mayorov A.
The article describes the new design of the two-section jet washer. The results of experimental researches of the quality of the clearing of the surface of metal cans are presented. The rational operating mode of the jet washer is defined.
Key words:
jet washer, washing process, cans, rational operating mode

Deformation of soil and energy-costs at movement of tractors
Mukhamadjarov F., Ostal'tsev V.
The results of researches of condensation of soil by movers of tractors and energy-costs on their movement are presented in the article.
Key words:
soil, deformation, resistance to movement, energy-costs

Remote education - as the form of maintenance of the enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex highly-skilled personnel
Zhujkova M., Mannapova D.
In modern social and economic conditions stable development of an agro-industrial complex can be provided only at the expense of creation of the innovative economy based on scientific knowledge and achievements. Application of modern agrarian educational resources, including remote formation, will raise a demand of rural youth on a labour market. Quality of the received knowledge will directly affect rational use of ground resources available in republic for effective conducting an agricultural production that will raise quality of production and services, will create basis of development and application of new systems and technologies, will raise quality of a life of agricultural population.
Key words:
remote education, personnel maintenance, personnel selection, agrarian remote education, rising of professional skill, information resources, Internet system