Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

Phone (8332) 33-10-43
(8332) 33-07-21
Fax: (8332) 33-10-25
Address: Kirov, Lenin's street, 166-a

№3 (18) - 2010



Sysuev V., Batalova G., Starikov V. Modern state and perspectives of development of seed growing of cereals at Privolzhsky Federal District of Russian federation


Zamyatin S., Izmestiev V., Maksimov V. The influence of the conditions growing to tne sowing and harvesting seeds of the spring wheat
Yamalieva A., Ivanova T.
Role of precursory crops in protection of winter wheat from root rot
Shchennikova I., Kokina L., Butakova O
. Соmbining ability of six row barley varieties
Fadeev A., Fadeeva M., Vorobjova L.
The estimation of the starting material for soybean selection in moderate climate
Firsova S., Plenkina G.
Biochemical parameters of sea-buckthorn samples under conditions of Kirov area


Mihajlova L., Alyoshin M. Comparative estimation of potassium chloride and potassium chloride electrolyte effect on spring grain crops yield
Chebotarev N., Khomchenko A.
The role of fertilizers and crop rotation to improve the productivity of agricultural lands are in the Komi Republic


Kuleshov V., Alykaev M., Prutkov Y., Gurianov A., Dugushkin N., Kistina A. The influence of  Sel-Plex on metabolism of young bulls
Sirotina M., Baranov A., Rogozina G.
The features of the nasolabial muzzle of cows of leading families of the Kostroma’s breed
Agalakova T.
Methods to improve settling down after the embryo transfer to recipient heifers
elmatov A., Gurianov A., Velmatov A. Milk productivity of Simmental and Ireshire crossbred with Red Holstein bred
Kolbina L., Nepeivoda S., Nepeivoda A.
, Maslennikov I. Usage of the method FOREL in the study of hybrid honey-bee colonies in Udmurtia Republic


Lazovskaya A., Vorobyeva Z., Slinina K., Kulchidskaya M., Liskova E. Control of survival potential of probiotic strains in commercial preparations
Ermolina S.
The track record lipid and sugar exchange beside calves, sick dyspepsia under different way of the treatment


Obolensky N., Osokin B. The analysis of the electroheaters used at heating of water in technological processes of agricultural productions
Savinyh P., Sychugov Y., Kazakov V.
New technologies and technical resources in reconstruction grain cleaning and drying complexes


Surovtsev V., Сhastikova E. Use of economic methods at development of events for reduction of an ecological load from dairy animal industries
Andreev M.
Game Management Problems of Euro-North-East of Russia and Ways of their Solving




Modern state and perspectives of development of seed growing of cereals  at Privolzhsky Federal District of Russian federation
Sysuev V., Batalova G., Starikov V. 
Grain production and productivity at Privolzhsky Federal District (PFD) was determined for 13,7-17,6% by ratio of qualitative seeds used for sowings. Usage of new adaptive varieties, included in State Register, has significant influence on grain production. In 2009 grain production by scientific institutions of North-East Regional Scientific Center was 126,8% more in compare with 2008.
Key words:
seed growing, grain, seeds, quality, productivity, total production

The influence of the conditions growing to tne sowing and harvesting seeds of the spring wheat
Zamyatin S.,  Izmestiev V.,  Maksimov V.
Are presented the results of the o in versti gations the learng the influence of the weather conditions in the year of the receiving seeds of the spring wheat on their infections the delicate infection, their laboratories sprout ting and productivity
Key words:
the seeds, spring wheat, pathogenic infection, productivity

Role of precursory crops in protection of winter wheat from root rot
Yamalieva A., Ivanova T.
Crop rotation has a great phytosanitary meaning in protection of cereal crops from root rot. It depends on selecting influence of precursory crops the quality and quantity structure  of soil  in their  pathogenic complex due to root excretion.
Key words:
root rots, precursory, winter wheat

Соmbining ability of six row barley varieties
Shchennikova I., Kokina L., Butakova O.
Estimation of combining ability of five six-row barley varieties was conducted in a system of diallele crosses.
Key words
: barley six-row, combining ability

The estimation of the starting material for soybean selection in moderate climate
Fadeev A., Fadeeva M., Vorobjova L.

The estimation is given for thirteen (13) early – season sortsamples ofsoybean in early ripeness, рroductivity and processability
Key words: soybean, sortsamples, bean, early ripeness, productivity, processability

Biochemical parameters of sea-buckthorn samples under conditions of Kirov area
Firsova S., Plenkina G.
The comparative estimation of 11 varieties of sea-buckthorn bred in Novgorod State Agricultural Academy was given on the basic of the next biochemical parameters: content of sugars, ascorbic acid, crude fat, carotenes, dry matters and general acidity. Varietal differences were revealed. The best varieties combining optimum amounts of nutritious and biologically active substances were selected.
Key words
: sea buckthorn, ascorbic acid, carotenes, crude fat, sugar, biochemical composition

Comparative estimation of potassium chloride and potassium chloride electrolyte effect on spring grain crops yield
Mihajlova L., Alyoshin M.
Application potassium chloride
electrolyte under spring grain crops on saddy-podzolic clay loamy to soil allows judging it as about economically effective alternative potash fertilizer.
Key words:
spring grain crops, potassium chloride, potassium chloride electrolyte, efficiency of application

The role of fertilizers and crop rotation to improve the productivity of agricultural lands are in the Komi Republic
Chebotarev N., Khomchenko A.
In the field stationary long experience in sod-podzolic light loamy soil studied the effectiveness of organic fertilizers. as well as combining them with the mineral at doses determined by the removal of planned harvest of crops. With this method of fertilizer improved soil fertility. increased crop yields and quality of agricultural.

Key words: mineral and organic fertilizers, forage crop rotation, cropping power, soil fertility, potato, grasses

The influence of  Sel-Plex on metabolism of young bulls
Kuleshov V., Alykaev M., Prutkov Y., Gurianov A., Dugushkin N., Kistina A.
The positive influence of selenium-contained additions Sel-Plex in rations on nutritions digestion, hematology results and calves productivity has been proved.
Key words:calves, nutrition additions Sel-Plex, digestion, hematology results, live weight

The features of the nasolabial muzzle of cows of leading families of the Kostroma’s breed
Sirotina M., Baranov A., Rogozina G.
Dermatoglyphs of the nasolabial muzzle of cattle presents a complex structure of skin picture on its surface. I this article we analyze the features of dermatoglyphs of the nasolabial muzzle of cows which belong to leading families of the Kostroma’s breed.
Key words: nasolabial muzzle, dermatoglyphs, families

Methods to improve settling down after the embryo transfer to recipient heifers
Agalakova T.
The possibility of improving settling down recently obtained and frozen-thawed embryos after transplantation and increasing the number of calf recipients in applying a number of hormonal preparations.
Key words: heifer-recipients, transplantation, hormonal agents, fertilization

Milk productivity of Simmental and Ireshire crossbred with Red Holstein bred
Velmatov A., Gurianov A., Velmatov A.
The article is devoted to the effectiveness of crossbred Simmental and Ireshire bred mating with Red Holstein sires according to milk productivity, milk and reproductively qualities.
Key words:
red bred, milk productivity, milk quality, reproductively, mating

Usage of the FOREL method in the study of honey-bee hybrid colonies in Udmurtia Republic
Kolbina L., Nepeivoda S., Nepeivoda A., Maslennikov I.
Using of the FOREL method of taxonomy FOREL in 14-dimensional space at (r = 0,1) for study of honey-bee hybrid colonies, aflows to differ three basic types of bees, which include 90,43 % of general  bee-families population.
Key words:
FOREL, taxonomy, honey bees, hybrid bees, Apis mellifera L.

Control of survival potential of probiotic strains in commercial preparations
Lazovskaya A., Vorobyeva Z., Slinina K., Kulchidskaya M., Liskova E.
The survival instability of probiotics in commercial preparations  for animals has been shown and the necessity to control the probiotic strain concentrations has been substantiated.
Key words
probiotics, foods, inoculation methods

The track record lipid and sugar exchange beside calves, sick dyspepsia under different way of the treatment
Ermolina S.
Complex therapy calves, sick dyspepsia, including preparation aligasol accelerates the normalization an lipid and sugar exchange on background of the base way treatment.
Key words:
calves, dyspepsia, lipid exchange(changing), sugar exchange(changing), aligasol

The analysis of the electro heaters used at heating of water in technological processes of agricultural productions
Obolensky N.,
Osokin B.
It is always important, that the heat exchangers used in technological processes of agricultural productions should have a minimum of power consumption, which is defined by their productivity, and also by temperatures of heat-release surfaces and constructional elements, determined by requirements of the safety engineering and operation.
Key words:
element, electrode, heating, temperature, heat

New technologies and technical resources in reconstruction grain cleaning and drying complexes
Savinyh P., Sychugov Y., Kazakov V.
We propose new technologies and machines to get a quality of concentrated animal feed - flattened canned corn - directly to the points and sets of post-harvest processing of grain.
 New technology and machines are introduced and tested in industrial conditions.
Key words
: fractionation, lamination, preservation, technology, grain, impurities

Use of economic methods at development of events for reduction of an ecological load from dairy animal industries
Surovtsev V.,
hastikova E. 
Ecological safety of production is considered as the major factor of competitiveness in the conditions of an intensification of milk production. Efficiency of tools of economic influence on decrease in an ecological load from dairy animal industries is analysed.
Key words:
competitiveness of milk production, ecological load, taxes, subsidies, welfare economics

Game Management Problems of Euro-North-East of Russia and Ways of their Solving
Andreev M.
Regional problems of game management activities are analyzed. It was shown that they have a combined - socioeconomic and ecological - character. Possible trends and ways of their solving are given.

Key words: regions, game management, problems, use, conservation and reproduction of the animal world, state administration, target program