Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Effectiveness of mixed sowings of spring cereals and legume crops on North-East of Non-Chernozem Region of European Russia

Pasynkova E.N., Zavalin A.A., Makarova Ya.V., Pasynkov A.V.


Peculiarities of action of increased dozes of nitrogen fertilizers on yield, grain protein content, and grain harvest per unit of square of mixed sowings of spring wheat with peas or vetch, of barley, covered and naked oats with peas are studied at sod-podzolic soils of North-East of Non-Chernozem Region of European Russia. Comparative estimation of mixed sowings on parameters of biological effectiveness and competitive relations is presented in the article.

Keywords: spring wheat, barley, covered and naked oats, spring vetch, peas, mixed sowings, grain yield, protein content, ratio of land equivalents, coefficient of competitive ability