Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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About creation of adaptive varieties of conventional oats –Sapsan and Avatar

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2013.33.2.04-07.

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Batalova G.A., Mukhamadjarov F.F., Rusakova I.I., Antonov V.G., Tuljakova M.V., Shikhova L.N.


Conventional oats Sapsan and Avatar, which combine high productivity of grain (up to 9,1 t/ha) and dry matter (up to 9,64 t/hа) with adaptability and stability, high quality of grain (grain-unit is 591-593 g/l, huskiness is 24,2-25,3%, crude protein content is 13,18-13,62%, fat content up to 6,18%, and kernel yield is 68,2%), and tolerance to edaphic stress are created.

Keywords: variety, oats, productivity, efficiency, adaptive ability, stability