Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Feeding productivity of Udaloe millet in dependence of crops care methods

Andrianova L.O., Kokonov S.I.


Treatment of Udaloe millet crops with herbicide Lintaplant VK (1 l/ha) in combination with top-dressing by N15 (ammonium nitrate) at the stage of 3-4 leaves – tillering of background of soil packing after sowing obtains addition of productivity of dry matter by 0.97 t/ha (25%), crude protein in 1 kg of dry matter – by 3.1%, and gathering of feed units by 0.25 thousand feed units/ha (8%) under conditions of Middle Ural.

Keywords: millet, methods of care, feeding productivity, dry matter, food-value