Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

Phone (8332) 33-10-43
(8332) 33-07-21
Fax: (8332) 33-10-25
Address: Kirov, Lenin's street, 166-a

№ 4 (35) - 2013

Plant Growing

Mukhamad'yarov F.F., Korobitsyn S.L., Rubtsova N.E., Ashikhmin V.P., Saveliev Yu.P., Vologzhanin V.N., Kaisin D.V..
Methodical problems of agro-ecological regionalization of agricultural territories on micro-level

Mukhamad'yarov F.F., Korobitsyn S.L., Rubtsova N.E., Ashikhmin V.P., Saveliev Yu.P., Vologzhanin V.N., Kaisin D.V..
Agro-ecological characteristics of experimental field of Falenki selection station

Budina E.A., Batalova G.A..
The influence of harvest dates on sowing quality of seeds of oats at storage
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Koryakovtseva L.A., Volkova L.V., Kharina A.V..
Adaptive potential of varieties and perspective lines of mild spring wheat on productivity

Koshcheeva N.S., Lyskova I.V..
New variety of long-fibred flax Sinel

Ruban G.A., Zaynullina K.S..
Features of a seed reproduction of Rhaponticum cartamoides (Willd. ) Jljin and Serratula coronata L. at cultivation under conditions of a middle-taiga subzone of the Komi Republic

Shalaeva O.V..
The growth and development of Beckmannia eruciformis in the Botanical garden of the Institute of Biology of Ural Division of RAS


Lapteva N.K., Skorobogatykh N.A..
The estimation of varieties of winter triticale as raw material for production of malt

Fodder Production

Izmest'ev V.M., Kuklina R.E., Svechnikov A.K..
The bioenergy assessment of fodder crop rotation
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Agriculture, Agrochemistry, Amelioration

Kovalev N.G., Zinkovskaya T.S., Zinkovsky V.N..
About biological intensification of agriculture on the drained soils of the Non-Chernozem Zone of Russia

Platonycheva Yu.N., Polyakova N.V., Berchyk A.V., Bogomolova Yu.A..
Effect of the method of plowing of long-fallow land on mobility of organic matter of light gray forest soil


Rusakov R.V., Garifullina N.A..
About possibility of correction of reproductive functions of dairy cows under conditions of insufficient supply by microelements

Kalinkin Yu.N..
The evaluation of the forage reserve for cervidae in the North-Eastern and Eastern Altai

Plotnikov I.I., Ermolina C.A..
The influence of the bards and the drug "Algasol" on indicators of the body and the quality of pelts of young mink

Veterinary Medicine

Konopeltsev I.G., Muravina E.S., Sapozhnikov A.F..
Pharmaco-toxicological property and efficiency of use of ozoned emulsion at endometritis at cows

Blokhin A.A., Burova O.A., Isaev V.V., Khrisanfova T.D., Korobova O.V..
Effect of preparation «Baikal EM1» on immunobiochemical indices of blood and productivity of milk cows


Shibarshina N.I..
Economic access of food in the Nizhny Novgorod region as a factor of regional food security

Laktyushina E.V..
Ryazan region farms: problems and development prospects.