Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Features of the anatomical structure of stem in fiber flax cultivars (Linum usitatissimum L.) at plants processing with biologically active preparations

Pages: 25-30.

Matarueva I., Zhuchkova E., Arykova N.

ФГБОУ ВПО «Костромская ГСХА», г. Кострома, Россия

E-mail: imatarueva@

The effect of two biologically active preparations Zircon and Apin-extra on the formation of bast fibers of the fiber flax stem of variety Tomsky 17 was estimated in 2010-2013 in Kostroma region.

It was found that treatment of plants with anti-stress preparations Zircon (0.01 mg/l) and Apin-extra (0.02 mg/l) had not change the general laws of formation of bast bundles in flax plats during their growth and development. Under different weather conditions both tested preparations had low influence on the amount of fibrous components located on the perimeter of the stem but showed an impact on their structure. Zircon preparation contributed to the formation of large but thin-walled elementary fibers and Apin-extra – more dense bundles and thick-walled components. The investigated preparations had a positive impact on the productivity of straw, seed and total fiber. Statistically reliable gains ranged from 7 to 27% over the period of three years. The most significant effect on the strength of fibers had Apin-extra: the increase was 50% in comparison with 0% for Zircon. Under conditions of our region the spraying of vegetating plants was more effective and less time consuming treatment.

Keywords: long-stalk flax, anatomical structure, bast bunches, bast fibers, antistress preparations, Zircon, Apin-extra