Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Getting the functional dependence of the stickiness on the main soil hydro-physical parameters

Pages: 63-67.

Alexeyev V.V., Maximov I.I., Vasiliev S.A.


The results of investigations on the theoretical justification and experimental study of the dependence of the soil stickiness on the soil moisture, specific surface, porosity, and temperature of soil solution are presented in the article. Dependence is obtained by energetic consideration of soil moisture as a medium bounded on one side by the solid phase, and the other – by the gaseous. Using of idealized models of the soil together with the aerodynamic method for determining of specific surface area allows to conduct quantitative assessment of the surface energies of interaction with the air and the soil solid phase. Study of the obtained dependence allows to determine the characteristic values of soil moisture relevant to: 1) the maximum stickiness, 2) physical maturity of soils. Examples of calculation dependencies of stickiness for dark gray forest soil and the characteristic values of humidity for a number of clay soils are given. Good degree of consistency of obtained dependence  and moisture values with experimental data allows extensive use of it in practice.

Keywords: stickiness, humidity, porosity, specific surface area, main hydro-physical characteristic