Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Magnesium carbonate in the diets of young hens

Pages: 50-53.

Yunaev А.P., Fedin А.S., Guryanov A.M., Gayirbegov D.Sh.


Possibility of use of a magnesium carbonate as a mineral additive in the diets of young chicken of industrial herd is proved scientifically. On the basis of data obtained in scientific and commercial experience it was found the most optimal probability dose of magnesium carbonate in the diets of young animals equal to 80 mg/100 g of mixed fodder. The use of magnesium supplements in the dose helped to increase live weight of an experienced young stock at rearing period by 2.6 to 3.4%. The average daily gain at the end of the experience was at the level of 11.95 g that is 5.8% higher than in the control group.
Feeding with magnesium carbonate had a positive impact on post-causation egg productivity of laying hens. The most high egg production was observed in hens of the second experimental group received supplement magnesium carbonate at a dose of 80 mg per 100 g of dry food daily. During 180 days of the scientific and economic experience the gross harvest of eggs in this group was 6056 eggs, 593 eggs more than in control, and by 225 and 392 higher than in the first and third groups respectively.

Keywords: live weight, magnesium carbonate, cross «Lohmann brown», egg production, feeding, increase