Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Productivity and resistance to late blight and early blight of potato varieties under conditions of Kostroma region

Pages: 19-24.

Nikolaev A., Sezonova N., Lubimskaya I., Lange F.


Under conditions of Kostroma regiongreatest leaf late blight resistance had potato varieties Udacha (All-Russian Research Institute of Potato Economy), Gloria (Falenskaya Breeding Station of North-East Agricultural Research Institute), Tekra, Oceania (Saatzucht Fritz Lange КG, Germany), Lileya belarusskaya and Zhuravinka (Research and practical center of National Academy of sciences of Belarus for potato, fruit and vegetable growing); greatest early blight resistance had varieties Uladar (Research and practical center of National Academy of sciences of Belarus for potato, fruit and vegetable growing), Gloria, Tekra, Estrella, Delphine (Saatzucht Fritz Lange КG, Germany) and Zhuravinka. Varieties Tekra, Gloria, Lileya belarusskaya and Zhuravinka showed relatively high complex resistance against both diseases. About 40% of investigated potato varieties were affected by geographically distant late blight agent populations having close genetic resemblance; just 5% of varieties affected by early blight causative agent populations of close resemblance. Significant yield enhancement for two years in comparison with the standard had variety Zorachka of the early-ripe group, and varieties Spadchina and Briz (Research and practical center of National Academy of sciences of Belarus for potato, fruit and vegetable growing) of the middle-early-ripe group. The parameter of variety's relative precocity is the factor of high yield level rather than presence of complex resistance against the two diseases.

Keywords: potato, variety, resistance, late blight, early blight, productivity