Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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The study of gender differences in gray-speckled and blue populations of guinea fowl (Numida meleagris L.) on some biochemical indicators

Pages: 53-56.

Zabiakin V.A., Vedernikov A.A., Dubinin M.V., Ivanushkina N.I., Popova O.V., Samartsev V.N.


From the biological point of view, intensive breeding for improving of economically important features of any agricultural bird in the "closed populations" inevitably leads to a decrease in genotypic variability and numerous diseases due to lower immunity and the action of stress factors.The content of oxidative stress indicators in blood and the activity of free oxidation in liver mitochondria were studied in male and female of two guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) populations bred in gene pool farm "Maryiskoe". The gender differences on the above biochemical parameters for the population of blue guinea fowl were found. At the same time these differences were not found for gray-speckled guinea fowl populations. This biochemical research will allow to develop ways of preserving of this species of agricultural bird in the gene pool farms and can be used in the development of new trends in breeding of guinea fowl, in particular the selection of forms with high viability and resistance to stress.

Keywords: guinea fowl, lipid peroxidation, liver mitochondria, free oxidation, gender differences