Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Endogenic intoxication index as a prophylaxis rate at gastrointestinal diseases in newborn calves

Pages: 34-38.

Burova O., Isaev V., Blokhin A.


Gastrointestinal diseases with diarrhea symptom group that mainly affect the younger animals are an important health problem in the dairy cattle industry. These diseases carry a multifactorial character. The main role in the occurrence and development of gastrointestinal diseases play infectious agents. The development of the pathological process depends on immune status of newborn calves. Poor nutrition of dams is followed by metabolic disorders and endogenic intoxication. Endogenic intoxication is auto-intoxication as а result of the absorption of the waste products of metabolism or of the products of decomposition within intestine or the products of dead or infected tissue. Endogenic intoxication can be evaluated using intoxication index - ratio of content of middle mass molecules defined at wavelength 254 and 280 nm. Intoxication index is connected directly with the clinical status. Intoxication index in clinically healthy calves is in norm 1.3-1.45, in calves with signs of gastrointestinal pathology the intoxication index rose to 1.7. In treated calves the index varied from 1.42 to 1.59 depending on clinical status. Endogenic intoxication level in newborn calves with gastrointestinal disorders can be used to assess the prophylactic effectiveness at these diseases.

Keywords: endogenic intoxication, index, calves, gastrointestinal diseases, prophylaxis