Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Influence of increasing rates and ratio of mineral fertilizers on winter rye yield and seed quality

Pages: 26-30.

Abashev V., Svetlakova Е., Popov F., Noskova Е., Denisova А.


Results of field experiments with use of mineral fertilizers on sod-podzolic loamy soil formed upon eluvia perm clay are presented in the article. Winter rye was cultivated on pure fallow in three replications. Ammonium nitrate, double super-phosphate, and potassium chloride were used. Yield of winter rye was increased when fertilizer rate grown. There was about 0.52-2.03 t/ha addition yield of grain in comparison with 2.84 grain yield at control for three years on average. Yield of winter rye grain is determinate by nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers as well as by its mutual effect. Recoupment of 1 kg of fertilizer by grain was made 3.5-13.4 kg on average for three years: highest recoupment was at minimum input of fertilizers. Quality of winter rye grain is depended on weather conditions during growth season and at harvest. Use of mineral fertilizers had no significant effect on grain-unit and 1000 grain mass.

Keywords: winter rye, productivity, 1000 grain mass, grain-unit, falling number, fertilizers, recoupment of fertilizer with grain, sod-podzolic soils